A heartwarming video of Nara deer bowing back at a woman has taken social media by storm, leaving viewers around the world in awe of Japan’s famously polite wildlife. Divya, an Indian content creator, captured a wonderful moment when she visited Nara in Japan, where she encountered a group of deer known for their courteous behaviour. The footage shows Divya standing in front of the deer and performing a traditional Japanese bow .
To her surprise, the deer promptly mimics her gesture by bowing back, creating an adorable exchange that left her mesmerised. The video also features other tourists trying the same interaction and has gained over 12 million views and countless reactions from social media users praising the animals’ politeness. Divya, who shared the video on Instagram captioned it humorously, “Japan’s Nara deers are the most coolest thing! While people say it’s in the DNA of the Nara deers to bow, I see the science of why.
They bow because they know the simple old trick that they will be fed, think of it as dogs! I saw the deers in Miyajima and this behaviour wasn’t spotted!” Social media users flooded the comments section, sharing their reactions to the deer’s delightful display of politeness. An Instagram user, @fh_fh03, commented, "Even the animals in Japan know how to be polite."See how this deer shows respect? very demure, very mindful" commented another user, miou340.
Some users took it a step further, with one remarking, “More civilised than h.