Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was spotted alongside his wife, Gauri Khan, and daughter, Suhana Khan, as they attended the Ambani School’s annual day event. The highlight of the evening was a Christmas-themed play featuring SRK’s youngest son, AbRam, which captured the hearts of attendees and quickly went viral on social media. In a charming display of being a proud dad, Shah Rukh Khan, showcasing his signature salt-and-pepper look, recorded the performance with his phone, his joy evident as he focused on his son’s stage debut.
Fans and celebrities alike were touched by the heartwarming family moment shared online. The event also attracted a star-studded guest list, including Bollywood couples Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput, Kareena Kapoor Khan with Saif Ali Khan, and Karisma Kapoor. They were spotted greeting the paparazzi as they arrived at the venue.
Fashion mogul Karan Johar, renowned designer Manish Malhotra, and actors Ritesh and Genelia Deshmukh were among the many celebrities in attendance. Malayalam film star Prithviraj Sukumaran also made a notable entrance, drawing significant media attention. Despite rumours about their separation, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai attended their daughter Aaradhya's school annual day function together.
Amitabh Bachchan accompanied them at the Dhirubhai Ambani School in Mumbai on Thursday evening. Nita Ambani, as the chairperson of the Dhirubhai Ambani International School, made a stunning appearance in a cream georgette.