Warsaw residents savor living in a community that fosters multi-generational connections. They embrace celebrations featuring timeless traditions but also relish new experiences. As they receive the gift of the second “Christmas on Main” on Dec.
14, they will welcome the Warsaw Mercantile, which opens that day. The brainchild of the Warsaw Public Events Committee, the Mercantile is comprised of diverse local businesses, some of whom have offered their well-received products during the weekly summertime Farmers Markets that were coordinated by Teresa Beeler and Jane Roskamp. Beeler noted, “A winter farmers market was discussed this past summer by several market vendors.
” They explored possible locations and Beeler contacted Roger Tondini, the owner of the building at 412 Main Street, who fully supported this venture. Ron Knoche, whose wife Julie owns Sutter Produce, came up with the Warsaw Mercantile for a name and the idea of creating an old-fashioned mercantile with an indoor farmers market feel. This joint venture includes: Jane’s Art Design; Sutter Produce; Drewberry Soap and More; Brad’s Freeze-Dried Candy; Forever After Finds; Forever Florals by Jeanette; Mama Bear Creations; Althoff Farms; Sara’s Sweet & Savory; MAE Bee’s Gifts and More; Freeze Dried USA; and Empty Nest Treasures.
Beeler continued, “There has been much work done on the building in preparation for opening for the ‘Christmas on Main’ event. A Facebook Page – ‘Warsaw Mercantile’.