
From 1994 until 2015, Jamaicans of all ages welcomed a colourful set of characters who brought drama, love, deception, and politics into their homes on Sunday nights. During this time, these characters – portrayed by the cast of CVM TV’s Royal Palm Estate – grew to be more than just acquaintances popping in for the occasional visit, they became family. It is because of this that the death of veteran educator and actor Ronald Goshop, who played ‘Mackie’ on the show, has left so many people sad.

With decades of experience under his belt, Goshop brought to the world of performing arts a certain prestige that very few have been able to replicate. In fact, according to the show’s producer and director, Lennie Little-White, Goshop’s passion and commitment to his craft made him not only easy to work with, but made the former teacher a pillar among his industry mates. “He was very easy to work with and a pleasant gentleman.

He always studied his lines. Ronald was a serious and versatile professional who studied serious theatre for years, all while teaching at Excelsior,” White told The Gleaner , adding, “He took his craft very seriously!” A similar sentiment was also shared by some of Goshop’s peers who operated in the space with him. Among those is media and performing arts stalwart, Fae Ellington.

“I found that, every character that Ronald Goshop got, he was able to make them distinctly authentic ...

When you saw Ronald on stage, you know he was going to give the character everything it needed without going over the top,” Ellington said. She went on to add that Goshop “..

. was one of those actors who was a pleasure to be around. He has a laughter that just made you want to laugh.

I loved his laugh. Such a pleasant person who will be missed.” Robert Finzi-Smith, who played the notorious police inspector ‘Trevor Madden’ on Royal Palm Estate , explained that there are many lessons aspiring actors can learn from Goshop’s commitment to the arts.

“When you say a supporting actor, that’s what you should do, support. There has been a tendency over the years of people to upstage each other. Ronald was the opposite; he was a teacher.

So, he not only passed on his experience by interaction, but he taught youngsters how to act. And that is what we should all do,” Smith said. It is currently unclear what led to Goshop’s passing.

However, The Gleaner understands his death has left some of his former coworkers disheartened, as this is the second death of a Royal Palm Estate alumni in the space of a week. White confirmed that Rueben Nunez, a long-time cinematographer for the show, passed last Saturday after falling ill the night before. White said that Nunez was known as ‘Mr Cool’ and that nothing would stop him from doing his job to the best of his abilities.

The men’s deaths have opened up conversations in and around the performing arts space about the legacy being left behind and the passing of the baton to future generations. [email protected].

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