
OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes. Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEPT 22 🔵 Read our horoscopes live blog for the latest readings Any extra time off work this week is the perfect moment to look at qualifications and experience and start making some plans.

Clear your mind of what-ifs and focus instead on why-nots. In love terms, too, Venus layers certainty into emotions, and if you’ve been in two minds, or two hearts, about someone or something, now you see so clearly. A prize linked to “M” can double in size.

DESTINY DAYS : Scrap a plan you’ve outgrown, and start over – on Monday. Setting more selective fitness goals goes well on Wednesday. Focus on food quality, not quantity, at the weekend.

LUCKY LINKS : A building with blue paintwork. Friends who dress in a very similar style. “M” music.

VENUS MAGIC : Loving someone does not mean owning them - now Venus helps you see this, and build more two-way freedom into a bond. You do adore to shower special people with presents and attention, but stepping back a little can give romance room to breathe. MERCURY LOGIC : No more secrets, but each partner maintaining your own friends, and your own money, can be a big plus.

If you’re single, selling or buying something online or locally can be a love-starter. Mercury boosts ability to sit with uncertainty, enjoy the build-up..

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