
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 Edinburgh Airport sets a new Scottish benchmark by earning prestigious global carbon accreditation, highlighting VINCI Airports’ commitment to sustainability. Edinburgh Airport, a member of VINCI Airports’ network since June 2024, has been recognized for its significant efforts in reducing absolute emissions, becoming the first airport in Scotland to achieve global carbon accreditation. The airport has attained Level 4 ‘Transformation’ in the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) scheme, one of the highest levels in the global carbon management certification program for airports.

This achievement is the result of extensive collaboration with stakeholders, airlines, and campus partners; efforts to map emissions within the airport’s supply chain; and the launch of a new Net Zero strategy. Key actions taken by the airport to reach ACA Level 4 include: All submitted data has been externally verified, and plans are underway to achieve the next ACA milestone, Level 4+ ‘Transition,’ where the airport will offset its remaining carbon emissions with credible carbon credits. As part of VINCI Airports’ network, which includes over 70 airports, Edinburgh Airport is committed to reaching net zero emissions across the European Union and the UK by 2030.

Currently, 54 airports operated by VINCI Airports are ACA accredited, with four—Toulon Hyères in France and Beja, Madeira, and Ponta Delgada in Portugal—already achieving Level 5, signifying net zero emissions. The ACA, coordinated by Airports Council International (ACI), is the only institutionally endorsed global carbon management certification program for airports. It assesses airports’ carbon footprint management and reduction performance through seven certification levels, with Level 5 certifying an airport’s commitment to a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2), the removal of residual emissions through certified solutions, and actions to help partners achieve net zero emissions (Scope 3) by 2050.


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