
The Yolo High Wheelers are in the final stretches of a 20-game road trip. Normally, being away from home and living out of a suitcase would get old quickly. However, I reached out to a few of the High Wheeler players, and they told a different story.

The High Wheelers got to escape the Davis heat and spend three weeks in Colorado. They play six games in each city: Colorado Springs, Windsor and Grand Junction. For many, traveling this season with the High Wheelers would be their first visit to the Centennial State.

High Wheeler's reliever Jack Zalasky said, "The best part about being on the road is seeing different cities you probably would never ever go to if it wasn't for baseball." Starting pitcher Brandon Mitchell added, "One of the best things on this road trip has been seeing the mountains and Colorado scenery and being with the guys experiencing this beautiful state. Nothing out of the ordinary happened besides the weather in north Colorado, and we felt like we were playing fall ball again with cold air and rainy days.

" The feedback on the accommodations was almost unanimous and surprising. I figured spending 20 nights in hotel beds would be rough, but the players were happy sleeping in hotel beds. This was definitely a lesson in perspective.

The High Wheelers organization's generosity in housing the players is commendable. The guys live in a local apartment complex, and things get a bit crowded. Four players often share a bathroom; sometimes, the couch or floor is the most comfortable sleeping spot.

But when they are on the road, the guys get an upgrade in their living situation, and they truly appreciate it. Braedon Blackford said, "The best thing about being on the road is the hotel beds." Outfielder Jose Gonzalez would echo those words, "I would say the best thing about being on the road is how close the team is forced to be; I enjoy spending time with the guys.

Another thing would be having comfy beds in our hotels!" After hearing from the players, it struck me that they are all on the "road," even when in Davis. Most players are from other states, and the others are from Southern California. They are used to traveling and will not return home until September.

The only exception is Zalasky. Zalasky, who is from Elk Grove and still lives at home, has a different perspective. He told me, "My least favorite part of the road is the numerous nights away from your own bed and not being in the same routine you'd be in at home.

" Eating on the road can be an adventure, but Colorado gave the guys plenty of opportunities. When asked about his favorite part of the trip, Tanner Smith said, "Trying new food spots! We've been able to try New Mexican spots like Fuzzys. Another new place was Buckys.

" There were no significant issues when asked about their least favorite thing about the trip. Long bus rides and botched Taco Bell orders were about it. The players are enjoying their trip and all that comes with being on the road.

But at the end of the day, it comes down to spending time with friends and enjoying each other's company. Blackford said, "My favorite part is constantly being around the guys. We have good team camaraderie, so it's fun always being together.

" The High Wheelers return to Dobbins Stadium on August 20th. You can get all remaining High Wheelers tickets for 50% off with the code YOLOENTERPRISE, and they can be redeemed online at Events by High Wheelers | vivenu..

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