
Friday, August 23, 2024 Victoria is set to elevate its tourism landscape with the announcement of 29 new regional projects that will receive significant funding through the Enabling Tourism Fund 2024. These initiatives, which aim to bolster the state’s tourism industry and attract more visitors to regional areas, were unveiled by the Minister for Tourism, Sport, and Major Events, Steve Dimopoulos, during a visit to the Art Gallery of Ballarat. This effort is part of the Allan Labor Government’s broader strategy to drive economic growth, create local jobs, and enhance Victoria’s already impressive array of tourist attractions.

The Enabling Tourism Fund 2024, which provides grants of up to $500,000, is designed to help regional tourism projects reach investment-ready status. The funding will support feasibility studies, the design of future infrastructure, and the development of masterplans that will ensure these projects are not only viable but also sustainable in the long term. This fund is part of a $170 million investment by the Allan Labor Government aimed at boosting regional economies, creating jobs, and enhancing the state’s tourism appeal.

Steve Dimopoulos emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “Our investment in these regional projects is about more than just enhancing tourist attractions; it’s about creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and ensuring that Victoria remains a top destination for both domestic and international visitors.” Among the projects to receive funding is the Art Gallery of Ballarat, Australia’s oldest regional gallery. The gallery will use its grant to develop a comprehensive masterplan that will allow it to host blockbuster exhibitions, drawing more visitors to Ballarat.

The gallery, a cultural icon in the region, will be positioned to further elevate its status as a premier arts destination, attracting art enthusiasts from across the country and around the world. Another significant project receiving funding is Bendigo’s Great Stupa, which will use the grant to create a detailed masterplan for a new visitor center. This center will include a cafe, museum, wellness hotel, and spa, further enhancing Bendigo’s appeal as a cultural and spiritual destination.

The Great Stupa, already a significant landmark, is set to become an even more prominent attraction, drawing visitors interested in wellness and cultural experiences. In Geelong and the Bellarine area, Masterchef’s Simon Toohey and his Sustainable Earth Network will use the funding to explore the creation of a permanent market. This market will showcase local food producers, growers, and manufacturers, highlighting the region’s rich agricultural heritage and promoting sustainable practices.

This project not only supports local farmers and artisans but also aligns with the growing demand for authentic, locally-sourced food experiences. Phillip Island, already renowned for its wildlife attractions, will see further development with funding going to Reptile Encounters. The grant will support the development of plans for a state-of-the-art zoo, adding to the island’s array of nature and wildlife experiences.

This new attraction is expected to draw even more visitors to Phillip Island, further solidifying its status as a must-visit destination for nature lovers. The Enabling Tourism Fund is a crucial component of the Labor Government’s broader Experience Victoria 2033 strategic plan. This plan outlines five priority areas designed to leverage Victoria’s competitive advantages: First Peoples’-led experiences, Wellness, Arts and Culture, Food and Drink, and Nature.

Each of the projects receiving funding under the Enabling Tourism Fund aligns with these priorities, ensuring that Victoria continues to offer unique and compelling experiences that set it apart from other destinations. The Experience Victoria 2033 plan is not just about expanding the state’s tourism offerings; it’s about creating a tourism ecosystem that is sustainable, inclusive, and resilient. By focusing on these five key areas, the plan aims to attract a diverse range of visitors, from cultural tourists and wellness seekers to food enthusiasts and nature lovers.

This approach not only enhances the visitor experience but also supports local communities by creating jobs, stimulating economic activity, and preserving Victoria’s natural and cultural heritage. The projects funded through the Enabling Tourism Fund are expected to have a significant economic impact on regional Victoria. By supporting these initiatives, the Labor Government is not only enhancing the state’s tourism infrastructure but also creating numerous local jobs in the process.

From construction and hospitality to arts and culture, the ripple effects of these projects will be felt across a wide range of industries. Steve Dimopoulos highlighted the economic benefits of these investments, stating, “Tourism is a key driver of our state’s economy, particularly in regional areas. By investing in these projects, we’re ensuring that communities across Victoria can benefit from the economic opportunities that tourism brings.

” In addition to job creation, these projects will help support local businesses, from cafes and restaurants to accommodation providers and tour operators. As these new attractions come online, they will draw more visitors to the region, boosting demand for local goods and services and providing a much-needed economic boost to regional economies still recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the Enabling Tourism Fund 2024, the Allan Labor Government is laying the groundwork for a vibrant and prosperous future for regional Victoria.

The 29 projects receiving funding represent a diverse range of initiatives, each of which has the potential to transform its respective region into a premier tourist destination. Whether it’s through cultural experiences in Ballarat, wellness tourism in Bendigo, sustainable food markets in Geelong, or wildlife adventures on Phillip Island, these projects are poised to make a lasting impact on Victoria’s tourism landscape. As these projects move from the planning stage to reality, they will not only enhance the visitor experience but also create new opportunities for local communities.

By focusing on sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation, Victoria is setting a new standard for regional tourism development—one that will benefit both residents and visitors for years to come. The Allan Labor Government’s commitment to boosting regional tourism through the Enabling Tourism Fund is a testament to its vision for a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable Victoria. As these 29 projects get off the ground, they will play a crucial role in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and ensuring that Victoria remains at the forefront of Australia’s tourism industry.

With a strategic focus on the state’s competitive advantages, these initiatives will help to bring Victoria’s next tourism wonders to life, offering visitors unparalleled experiences in some of the most beautiful and culturally rich regions of the country..

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