
A leading veterans support group says it “stands ready” to help implement key recommendations of a major royal commission report into suicides among current and former defence personnel. The Royal Commision into Defence and Veteran Suicide will hand over its highly anticipated final report to Governor-General Sam Mostyn on Monday. Little is known about what will be in the document, but Soldier On chief executive Amy Cooper told NewsWire her organisation had worked closely with the commissioners and she was “hopeful”.

She hailed the interim report’s 13 key recommendations as “short and sharp”. “I think the royal commissioners will likewise be making some good, clear and concise recommendations, and that they expect further momentum and traction from government,” she said. Ms Cooper said she expected many themes of the report to relate to defence personnel transitioning to civilian life, an area of speciality for Soldier On.

“I think there will be a lot around support throughout service life and making sure there’s positive transitions from the ADF,” she said. “Also the importance of families as a support network, and looking after families as they provide that support too.” Defence numbers helpline The royal commission, which launched in July 2021, received nearly 6000 submissions that painted a horrific picture of institutional failures and widespread bullying and abuse.

With hearings right around the country, it revealed at least 1677 serving and .

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