
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin An Italian sparkling wine is a versatile choice for Valentine's Day. Like hearts and roses, sipping flutes of sparkling wine is a perfect ritual for Valentine’s Day. The captivating tastes, aromas, and visually beautiful bubbles of Italian sparkling wines have long been associated with love, romance, and celebration.

Prosecco, produced primarily in Italy’s Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions, is most likely to come to mind when people think of Italian sparkling wines. It’s the most popular wine export because of its drinkability and accessible price. But Il Bel Paese offers a variety of celebratory choices: For example, Lombardy is known for its Franciacorta, Piedmont for its Asti Spumante, and Emilia Romagna and Lombardy for Lambrusco.

These sparkling wines are versatile: Red, white or rose, most can be enjoyed either as an aperitivo or throughout a meal, even with dessert. They can be enjoyed alone or as part of an effervescent cocktail. Memorable Italian Sparkling Wines Here are some of the best Italian sparkling wines you’ll want to sip and savor on Valentine’s Day and afterward.

Available at a variety of price points, they also make great gifts. Ferghettina Franciacorta Rose Brut DOCG 2020 Ferghettina Franciacorta Rose label Franciacorta is one of the most elegant Italian sparkling wines. Like Champagne, it is made using the traditional method (Methode Champenoise), which involves secondary bottle fermen.

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