
If you would have asked Jennifer Borré what she would be doing in 2024 she would have never said she’d be living back in Eagle County and owning a leather goods company that sells customizable products to clients like Mattel, George Lucas and the Reagan Library. Borré grew up in the Vail Valley and was a trauma tech in an emergency room in Boulder for 16 years. “There was a moment in the emergency department where I didn’t like going to work anymore.

I became emotionless and my husband said, ‘go find something that makes you happy’ so I started doing glass art and did some work with the Colorado Rapids and Starbucks and when I was trying to come up with a name, I decided to call it Berit Brooks after my two kids and it stuck.,” Borré said. Working with leather started after Borré was doing some custom glass lighting for a client in Arrowhead.

“She wanted me to created glass lighting with leather bases and I started playing with leather and realized that I enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun and that was eight years ago,” Borré said. “I was learning the craft and learning about leather and finding the suppliers and started doing wholesale and then COVID happened.

We actually put our house in Boulder on the market the day Governor Polis proclaimed the stay-at-home order. We thought ‘what are we going to do?’ We’d been planning for six months to move and were choosing from five different locations and none of them were Vail,” Borré said. “My d.

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