
Friday, August 16, 2024 According to the latest data from CoStar, covering the week of 4-10 August 2024, the U.S. hotel industry displayed positive year-over-year growth.

CoStar, a prominent provider of online real estate marketplaces and analytics, reported the following statistics: During the week, hotel occupancy reached 68.7%, a slight increase of 0.5% from the same week in 2023.

The average daily rate (ADR) for rooms was $159.49, marking a 1.4% rise.

Revenue per available room (RevPAR) also grew, climbing by 1.9% to $109.51.

Notably, among the Top 25 Markets, Houston experienced the most significant increases, with occupancy soaring by 31.1% to 76.3%, and RevPAR up by 47.

2% to $93.89. Further Insights CoStar’s extensive sample of hotel performance data includes over 83,000 properties and 10.

8 million rooms globally. For more detailed information, media representatives can contact the provided press contacts..

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