
Sunday, August 25, 2024 CoStar’s recent data reveals mixed performance in the U.S. hotel industry in mid-August, with Houston showing significant growth in key metrics.

Recent data from CoStar through August 17 indicates varied annual trends in the U.S. hotel sector.

CoStar, a major online resource for real estate marketplaces and analytics, provides insights into these property markets. For the week of August 11-17, 2024, the following year-over-year changes were observed: In a closer look at the Top 25 Markets, Houston displayed the most significant growth across all three key performance metrics: occupancy rose by 34.3% to 75.

3%, ADR increased by 14.5% to $121.89, and RevPAR surged by 53.

8% to $91.73. Conversely, the most notable declines in RevPAR were in San Francisco, which dropped by 13.

8% to $143.39, and Atlanta, where it fell by 11.3% to $69.


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