
Summary US approves sale of F-15IAs to Israel to support self-defense. F-15IA offers advanced capabilities like AESA radar and LANTIRN pod. Backseater in F-15IA can play crucial roles in aerial operations.

In a major announcement, the US Department of Defense’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced the approval of a possible sale to the State of Israel of F-15IAs – an Israeli version of the F-15EX – and upgrade kits for the F-15Is – an Israeli version of the F-15E. The F-15IA purchase could allow the Israeli Air Force to replace her F-15A/C/D Baz and retain heavyweight tactical fighter capabilities. “Assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability” The sale was approved by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).

This agency defines its strategic plan goal of “an expanded positive impact on the world” by increasing US and allied defense capacity to defend its sovereignty and citizens and join alliances addressing conflicts or disasters. Hence, an approval of weapons to Israel. As the statement stated, “The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to U.

S. national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives.


The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.” Hence the decision, despite the high Palestinian death toll from the Israeli Operation Swords of Iron conducted in response to Hamas’ October 7, 2023 atrocities, to allow Israel to purchase up to 50 of the most advanced F-15 and also upgrade its 25 F-15I Ra’am multi-role fighter jets to F-15IA standard. So, let’s look at the capabilities of the F-15IA, according to Boeing.

F-15IA offers persistence, payload and sensors A review of Boeing sales graphics shows that the F-15IA can fly 1,000 nautical miles (1,151 miles, 1,852 kilometers), stay on station for 1-2 hours, and return unrefueled thanks to the F-15IA’s conformal fuel tanks. One should note that Tehran, Iran’s capital, is only 985 miles (1,585 kilometers) by air from Tel Aviv. Much closer is Gaza, so there is a questionable need for an F-15IA to handle the Gazan threat to Israel.

Versus Iran, which aids terrorist proxy groups in Hamas and Hezbollah as well is developing a nuclear weapons capability. But the F-15IA offers more than just persistence, but payload. As one can see above, the F-15IA, with its open system architecture allowing for munition commonality, can carry everything from GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb to the AGM-88 High-Speed Anti Radiation Missile or HARM to both American and Israel air-to-air missiles.

It helps that the DSCA authorizes the F-15IA and upgraded F-15I to carry the Raytheon APG-82(V)1 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, which is one of the world’s most advanced radars and excels in both air-to-air and air-to-ground roles. Keep up with the latest Simple Flying coverage of military aviation here The F-15IA’s AESA radar may be very advanced but will be rarely used to find ground targets. Another sensor in the F-15IA purchase is the AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN navigation pod, which enables low-level flight with terrain-following radar and an infrared camera.

But instead of another LANTIRN pod for target designation, the F-15IAs in Boeing’s sales graphics from several years ago show the Israeli-manufactured Rafael LITENING SAR in its place which clearly does not require DSCA authorization. The Rafael LITENING couples infrared search with laser designation in a sensor ball in front of a synthetic aperture radar in one pod. One can watch a sales video explaining the pod’s capabilities: What about the F-15IA backseater? With all of these capabilities, the F-15IA can search and strike or find and fix – up to you – many potential aerial and ground targets.

Being the F-15IA is based on the F-15EX, the F-15IA can pack an air battle manager or another backseater to help control the battle. Below one can see the rear-seat cockpit: Furthermore, when the Oregon Air National Guard accepted the first F-15EX Eagle II, there was coverage about the backseater’s potential role, including as an air battle commander: A look at the soul of the US Air Force's new fighter jet. Additionally, according to The War Zone reporting , the F-15D Baz comes with satellite communications allowing the backseater to be an on-scene strike lead, so there is Israeli Air Force precedent for this.

Additional upgrades offered to Israel Israel will also be receiving, among other add-ons, the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS), which allows aircrew to look at a target and designate it for an infrared air-to-air missile weapons release or alternatively slew sensors like the aforementioned Rafael LITENING SAR pod to look at a potential target. One can also use JHMCS for night vision and get flight data plus more as per the below YouTube: Another upgrade will be one hundred twenty (120) F110-GE-129 engines. Each F-15I and F-15IA uses two engines, and the F110-GE-129 engine has the highest thrust available for engines proven with the F-15 and F-16.

The US Air Force also uses the F110-GE-129 for the F-15EX, but this may change. Bottom line Ultimately, the Israeli purchase of F-15IAs with supporting equipment is approved in the words of DSCA; “Incorporating F-15IAs into the Israel Air Force’s fleet of fighter aircraft will enhance Israel’s interoperability with U.S.

systems and bolster Israel’s aerial capabilities to meet current and future enemy threats, strengthen its homeland defense, and serve as a deterrent to regional threats. Israel will have no difficulty absorbing these articles and services into its armed forces.” But that is not the whole story.

To quote the Boeing Fighters Business Development, Air Dominance Division and former F-15 pilot Rob Novotny on a public LinkedIn post this morning, “Pending formal approvals and contract negotiations, Israel is about to get the most modern F-15 on the market. A long time Eagle 🦅 customer, Israel will add the F-15IA to their F-35s and F-16s making them a formidable airpower nation for years to come.” Hence, the United States is working to grant Israel permission to purchase the latest generation of the mighty F-15.

Israel needs a long-range precision strike platform, and the F-15IA’s exceptional range, coupled with capacity, is a good match for its unique defense needs..

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