
Discover how a simple urinary biomarker is unlocking new insights into muscle strength, bone health, and physical fitness in young adults, paving the way for better health monitoring and interventions. Short Report: Urinary pentosidine as a potential biomarker of muscle and physical performance in young adult men . Image Credit: Shutterstock AI In a recent study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology , researchers assessed the associations between urinary pentosidine levels and physical performance and musculoskeletal status in young adult males.

Peak bone and muscle mass during early adulthood is essential to sustain (and prevent) bone and muscle mass losses in late adulthood. Pentosidine is representative of the crosslinked structure of advanced glycation end products that form after the oxidation of bone collagen crosslinks. Urine pentosidine levels are known to increase with age and have been associated with various health parameters in older adults.

Serum pentosidine levels have been reported to be negatively associated with muscle strength in older people. Urinary pentosidine is a risk factor for fracture in postmenopausal females, irrespective of bone density and age. Therefore, urinary pentosidine may be a valuable biomarker for assessing muscle mass and bone and muscle strength in puberty and later life.

About the study In the present study, researchers investigated the associations of urinary pentosidine with physical performance and musculoskeletal .

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