Upmarket cheese and wine bar with supercar-driving clientele faces boycott calls for serving foie gras By LES ROOPANARINE Published: 10:54, 24 January 2025 | Updated: 10:55, 24 January 2025 e-mail View comments It is a magnet for the middle classes, renowned for its historic cathedral, outstanding schools and fine dining. But all is not well in Winchester, where the presence of foie gras on the menu of an upmarket wine and cheese bar frequented by footballers and celebrities has residents up in arms. The Margaux Lounge, which opened in the heart of the city late last year, describes its foie gras paté, derived from ducks in the Périgord region of France , as an 'indulgent classic' - not unreasonably, given that it comes with layers of black truffle and a price tag of £39.
95. But for locals already unhappy about the behaviour of wealthy clientele who have routinely parked high-end cars - including a McLaren, a Ferrari and a Rolls-Royce - on double-yellow lines outside the eatery, the inclusion of the controversial French delicacy among its offerings has proved the final straw. 'I was frankly disgusted to see it is selling foie gras,' one resident, who preferred o remain anonymous, wrote to a local newspaper.
'Have people forgotten how unacceptable this product is? The geese that produce it suffer so horribly by being force-fed. 'For decades, people have boycotted it in this country. We care about animal welfare in Winchester.
The council cares about it too: for example, t.