
Scallops and corn pudding at Linden + Front in Bath. Derek Davis/Staff Photographer The leaves haven’t yet started to turn, but Bath’s Linden + Front is ready for autumn. “Everything here is super seasonal,” our server tells us, tapping the eraser-end of her pencil on her lower lip as she describes the late-August dishes on offer that night.

“I’d say you have to go with the burrata app ($17) while the peaches are so perfect. But there’s a sneaky app on there with a little more ‘oomph’ to it: the five-layer dip ($16). It’s good on a chilly night with some wine.

But since it’s Maine, our nights are already chilly!” she says, chuckling and pointing out the window, where the corner of Front and Linden streets has been engulfed by twilight mist and fog. The Sour Mayor mocktail at Linden + Front. Derek Davis/Staff Photographer My policy is to listen to recommendations from servers the first time I visit a restaurant, so I take her up on both, adding an appealingly tart and allspice-tinged Sour Mayor non-alcoholic cocktail ($13), as well as a glass of Königschaffhauser Spätburgunder, a German pinot noir that disappoints when it turns out to be rather tannic and harsh ($14).

Never mind. Both of those first dishes were good enough to make up for a disequlibrated glass of red. Fresh peach slices, roughly torn gem lettuce leaves, and basil and mint form the heart of the burrata dish, offset by oozy chunks of cream-filled fresh mozzarella and a few planks of g.

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