Bigg Boss OTT contestant and fashionista Uorfi Javed lashed out at late television actress Pratyusha Banerjee's ex-boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh and said that he should be in jail. It all started after Rahul Raj trolled Uorfi for her latest look. On Tuesday (December 17), Uorfi wore a dress featuring a design resembling either a snake or a dragon, which looked extremely unusual.
While fans were in awe of her outfit, a section of Instagram users were left stunned upon seeing her in the bizarre fit. Some also questioned her unconventional fashion choice. Many were confused about whether the design depicted a snake or a dragon, however, Urfi's look still managed to grab everyone's attention.
Reacting to her video, Rahul Raj called her a cartoon and said that she should be in a circus. In the comments section, he wrote, "Cartoon ye ladki ..
circus is a better place for her." However, Uorfi was in no mood to ignore his comment. She replied, "Jail is a better place for you, we all remember Pratyusha.
" Rahul was brutally trolled after he posted the comment. In response, he told Uorfi, "Haha u r just taking it in your ❤️..
it was a compliment people buy ticket for circus." Take a look at Uorfi's video here: A post shared by Uorfi (@urf7i) Pratyusha's suicide case In August 2023, a Mumbai court stated that the harassment caused by Rahul "made her think about suicide". The court had also noted that prima facie it is clear that "physical, emotional and financial harassment and exploitat.