
Monday, August 12, 2024 Hungary ‘s August 20 celebration will feature Europe’s grandest fireworks display, honoring the nation’s founding and Saint Stephen’s Day with dazzling pyrotechnics and cultural festivities. On August 20, Hungary will host one of Europe’s most magnificent fireworks displays, coinciding with a celebration that honors the nation’s inception and Saint Stephen, the first monarch from the Arpad dynasty. Saint Stephen’s Day garners significant attention and boasts high participation rates, featuring numerous events across 19 different venues.

The fireworks spectacle will stretch over five kilometers from the Petofi Bridge to the southern tip of Margaret Island. Spectators gathered along the Danube’s banks will be treated to a similarly spectacular view, enhanced by a dazzling light display on the Parliament building. The show will include 45,530 pyrotechnic effects, launched from the Liberty, Elisabeth, and Margaret Bridges, orchestrated through 300 kilometers of wiring.

All devices used meet the highest EU safety standards and are controlled digitally, ensuring safety can be swiftly addressed in any emergency. The event will also cater to family enjoyment, with the Csárda Festival in central Pest offering delightful local cuisine. Along Hungarian Flavors Street, stretching from the Chain Bridge to Dobrentei Square on the Buda side, visitors can indulge in traditional dishes from the Carpathian Basin and sample this year’s selection of national bread and cakes.

Additional family-oriented activities include the Holy Right Golden Train exhibit and a wide array of programs across the city. Significant attractions include the Pannonia ship, accessible to the public all weekend, and the Festival of Folk Arts in the Buda Castle district, which recreates the ambiance of historic fairs. Military enthusiasts might explore the Heroes’ Way on Buda Castle Hill, while Millenaris Park transforms into a hub for artists and designers.

For families, Varazsliget promises a fun-filled experience in the City Park, featuring activities like the King Stephen’s courtyard exploration and a Prince and Princess Training School. Food and beverages will be available at reasonable prices throughout the event venues. This year’s celebrations are expected to draw record-breaking crowds, surpassing the last pre-Covid event, as domestic and international visitors are drawn to Budapest and Lake Balaton’s charm, bolstered by Hungary’s renowned hospitality.


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