
On the evening of Friday, August 9th, 2024, a gathering of passionate individuals convened at Sankara Hotel for the unveiling of a beautiful piece of art, a mural of elephants. This event was more than just an artistic showcase—it was a powerful statement in support of a cause deeply intertwined with Kenya’s heritage and natural beauty: the conservation of African elephants. The mural, a striking depiction of majestic elephants, was brought to life by over 80 pairs of hands—conservationists, business leaders, artists, influencers, and hotel staff—all united by a common purpose.

Each brushstroke symbolizes the diverse contributions from different sectors, coming together to protect one of Africa’s most iconic species. Jackson Kiplagat, the head of conservation at WWF Kenya, delivered a powerful message during the unveiling. He reminded those in attendance that elephants, along with other wildlife, are classified as endangered and face the very real threat of extinction.

His words painted a sobering picture of the challenges these herbivores face—not just from climate change but from the persistent threats of poaching and human-wildlife conflict. Kiplagat’s call to action was clear: it’s time for individuals and organizations alike to step up and contribute to the conservation and protection of elephants. The mural serves as a vivid reminder that while the threats are significant, the potential for positive change is even greater when we unite as one.

The event was also a celebration of the “Herd of One” challenge, an inspiring initiative by Sankara Nairobi, Autograph Collection, and WWF-Kenya, started in 2019. The objectives of the “Herd of One” campaign is to raise awareness about the plight of elephants in Kenya whilst raising funds to support their conservation and enhance interventions that seeks to reduce human elephant conflicts within the elephant habitats in Kenya. One of the pillars of the hotel is “Caring for our Roots” and the Hotel strongly believes that conservation takes everyone putting in their efforts in big or small ways and the collective impact of everyone’s actions will result in positive gain for the planet.

As the evening drew to a close, the mural stood as a beacon of hope, urging everyone who gazes upon it to reflect on their role in protecting Kenya’s wildlife. It’s a call to action, a symbol of what can be achieved when people from all walks of life come together for a common cause. In the face of growing threats, the mural and the challenge it represents remind us that we, too, must be a part of this herd, standing strong and united for the future of Kenya’s elephants.

The completed artwork is currently displayed at the hotel and is set to be donated to a suitable children’s space in September 2024, where it will continue to inspire future generations..

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