Under Paris Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Plot By is an upcoming Netflix horror thriller movie set in the near future, during the World Triathlon Championships on the Seine. The trailer introduces viewers to a gripping narrative where a large shark poses a threat to the city, leading an unlikely team including a scientist, an environmentalist, and a police officer to join forces to capture it before disaster strikes. Here’s everything you need to know.
Release date — when is Under Paris coming out? Under Paris is set for a Netflix release soon, offering a thrilling narrative set in the near future during the World Triathlon Championships on the Seine, where a large shark threatens the city’s safety. Filmmaker Xavier Gens directs this French shark horror movie, promising an intense and captivating viewing experience. Trailer — watch it now You can watch the Under Paris trailer below: The trailer for Under Paris showcases the chaos that ensues in Paris when a large shark is discovered in the River Seine during the World Triathlon Championships.
Viewers witness the efforts of three young individuals — Sophia, Mika, and Adil — to capture the shark and prevent potential disaster, highlighting the tense and thrilling atmosphere of the film. Cast — who is in Under Paris? The Under Paris cast includes: Plot – what’s the story about? In Under Paris, set during the 2024 Paris World Triathlon Championships, a brilliant scientist named Sophia collaborates with Mika, an .