
Vanimo, one of Papua New Guinea’s last frontiers for tourism, offers untouched natural beauty and thrilling adventures. Centered in this pristine paradise is Narimo Atoll, an idyllic haven ideal for left-hand surfing, snorkelling, scuba diving, and vlogging. Captured stunningly by different photographers, Narimo Atoll showcases the breathtaking allure of Vanimo’s coast.

Mentioned in Daniel Bilip’s evocative song “Long We Peren,” Narimo Atoll holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Bilip’s verse, “Taim mi lukim balus i fly antap lo Narimo” (“When I see the plane hovering above Narimo”), paints a vivid picture of this serene location. Narimo consists of three smaller atolls-Mama Island, Papa Island, and Pikinini Island-interconnected by coral reefs but separated during high tide.

While the atoll itself lacks resorts or lodges, visitors can arrange trips through local hotels or lodges in Vanimo. It’s important to note that Narimo Atoll is customary land owned by a family residing in the SSBC residents in Salame, ward six (6), East Coast Road. Securing permission from them is a requisite for a visit.

Despite its enchanting beauty, Narimo Atoll faces the grave threat of degradation due to climate change and rising sea levels. Erosion has led to the loss of trees and plants, with the atoll at risk of submerging entirely if immediate actions aren’t taken to revive and rehabilitate it. This environmental challenge highlights the urgen.

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