
Summary Ukrainian F-16 jets have advanced countermeasure pods for self-protection against Russian SAMs. Equipped with self-defense systems, older missiles, and advanced detection sensors for enhanced effectiveness. Upgrades provide them with new mission computer, radar upgrades, and capabilities to target Russian ground assets.

With the first of the much-anticipated F-16s finally in Ukraine , it is now coming to light what they are to be armed with. It appears that Ukraine's F-16s have been delivered with advanced countermeasure pods for self-protection and missiles for air defense. Countermeasures will be important for the jets as they will now be some of Russia's highest-priority targets in Ukraine (although one of the greatest threats will come from being hit on the ground).

F-16s configured for air defense and self-defense According to The War Zone , the Ukrainian F-16s have been strictly configured for air defense, " but they are also equipped with a unique self-protection system that can go a long way to keeping Russian SAMs and air-to-air missiles at bay ." They were seen armed with older AIM-9M/L Sidewinder and AIM-120B AMRAAM missiles. The F-16s are equipped with the self-defense Pylon Integrated Dispensing System Plus, and this likely also includes the advanced Electronic Combat Integrated Pylon System Plus.

They have also been seen with Chaff/Flare dispenser buckets and they may also have variants of the AN/AAR-60 Detection Sensors with AN/ALQ-62v6 radio countermeasure system among other defensive abilities. Ukraine's F-16s may also be used to launch stand-off missiles to attack Russian ground targets. They can already handle many of the munitions already provided to Ukraine, and it is likely that new types of munitions will be provided for the F-16s in the future.

These are old F-16AM/BM jets, but they have received Mid Life Upgrades (MLU). The mid-life upgrade has provided the jets with a new mission computer, color cockpit MFDs, AN/APG-66 Radar upgrades, wide angle heads-up display, advanced identification friend or foe system, the ability to use a Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS), and several other improvements. The 1980s sale of F-16s to Venezuela is one of the most significant South American arms sales that backfired.

A long way to do to fully transition to Western jets The type of fighter aircraft is only one factor in assessing its effectiveness. Its munitions and countermeasures are critical to its ability to fight and survive. For example, a fighter jet with an advanced radar to detect and track targets far away is of limited use if it lacks the munitions capable of hitting targets at those ranges.

Sweden has moved to significantly enhance the effectiveness of Ukraine's F-16s by donating two SC 890 Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (AWACS) . The fighter jets Ukraine is receiving have been donated from Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Belgium (the first ten to arrive have come from Denmark and the Netherlands). They give the embattled Ukrainian Air Force a major leap in capability (previously, the Ukrainian Air Force was limited to aging legacy Soviet jets).

Time will tell how effective Ukraine's F-16s will be (they are being delivered in limited quantities). The War Zone assesses that it will be some time—possibly years—before Ukraine is able to unlock the full potential of the F-16. There's just no shortcut to the experience required.


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