
Summary American pilots are being recruited to help Ukraine's Air Force, following the tradition of foreign legion squadrons in WWI and WWII. Concerns arise about training foreign pilots to fly advanced F-16 jets, as Ukraine faces a shortage of trained Air Force personnel. Despite resistance from the Biden administration, US Senator Lindsey Graham is considering legislation to streamline the process for retired US pilots to assist Ukraine.

There are reports that the Ukrainians would be open to forming a modern version of World War II’s Flying Tigers or Eagle Squadron made of foreign citizens in the employ of the Ukranian Air Force while an international coalition trains Ukranian pilots. The latest announcement comes from US Senator Lindsey Graham, a former US Air Force lawyer. US Senator Lindsey Graham: “They Will Hire You Here” In remarks reported by Scripps News, US Senator Lindsey Graham, touring Ukraine said August 12, "If you're a retired F-16 pilot and you're looking to fight for freedom, they will hire you here.

They're going to look throughout NATO nations for willing fighter pilots who retired to come help them until they can get their pilots trained. So we're going to get these jets in the air sooner rather than later." One can listen to the Scripps News report below, including the loquacious US Senator’s comments: The problems are that the Ukrainian Air Force is losing trained pilots, and flying an advanced fourth-generation fighter like the F-16 instead of a simpler MiG-29 Fulcrum or Su-27 Flanker requires more practice to be credible, much less proficient.

There is also resistance from the Biden administration to the idea, but Senator Graham is considering legislation to streamline retired US Air Force F-16 pilots helping Ukraine stand up its F-16 force. There is a precedent According to Kyiv Post columnist Jeffrey Fischer, a 30-year US Air Force veteran and combat aviator, some in the US State Department are clearly against US participation in a flying foreign legion (FFL). But there is quite a precedent.

Keep up with the latest Simple Flying coverage of military aviation here First, Americans already have served in the Ukraine Foreign Legion. Most notably Malcolm Nance, who is also a published author and MSNBC pundit. No sanction has been issued from the US Government for doing so, thereby clearing the road for US pilots to join.

Second, Americans served in foreign fighter squadrons in World Wars I and II. In World War I, some Americans joined up with the French in Lafayette Escadrille. This unit would become the 103d Aero Squadron when the United States joined World War I and is today the 94th Fighter Squadron flying F-22s.

Among her more famous alumni is US Air Force Major Kristin “Beo” Wolfe who went on to fly F-35s as an instructor pilot and airshow demo pilot . In World War II, as per above photo, there was the Royal Air Force’s three Eagle Squadrons comprised of Americans eager to fly British Hurricane and Spitfire fighters to help repel the Nazi aerial assaults. Those squadrons after the United States entered World War II were, after some negotiation, embedded into the US Army Air Force and today exist as F-15E Strike Eagle squadrons based out of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina.

Then there are the Flying Tigers that helped the Republic of China stand up their air force against the Japanese Empire and had the authority of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One can argue that President Biden and his Administration could continue proud US Air Force history. Love aviation history ? Discover more of our stories here Third, other nations have flown F-16s and can supply pilots to help Ukraine.

However, there are concerns of misperceptions their home nations are at war with Russia and creating the risk of escalation. But doesn’t Russia have a mercenary air force? Yes, the Russians do have a mercenary air force according to multiple reports such as Forbes and Yahoo. The Wagner Group not just has a sizable ground and special forces elements but also an air force.

Wagner Group pilots have flown the Su-24 Fencer fighter-bomber as pictured below and the Su-25 attack jet . Most of those pilots are Russian military veterans and Wagner jets sortie mostly in support of Wagner ground forces. Additionally, Russia has been caught red-handed recruiting Cubans and others to fight in Ukraine.

However, those foreigners appear to be used in a ground capacity only. Is Ukraine ready for foreign pilots and maintainers? Not yet. A check of ildu.

com.ua – the International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine – says only “infantry and special task battalions” are being recruited as of now. But one can always reach out to the Ukrainian embassy in your nation.

Bottom line US Senator Lindsey Graham is making news and trying to help Ukraine plus build on the history of the US Air Force he served in. However, the last word really should go to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said in an August 4 statement celebrating the arrival of the first F-16s; "We have held hundreds of meetings and negotiations to strengthen the capabilities of our aviation, to strengthen the capabilities of our air defense, and our Defense Forces. We have often heard the word "impossible" in response, but we have made possible what was our ambition, our defense need, and now it is actually a reality, a reality in our skies.

F-16s are in Ukraine. We made it happen." Clearly, the story of Ukraine’s defense from Russia has been Ukrainian ambitions being made possible.

Perhaps Ukraine’s next ambition is to recruit foreign pilots and maintainers, and already legendary retired US Air Force F-16 pilot Dan Hampton has publicly voiced interest in flying for Ukraine..

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