
With campaign season in full swing both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are pulling out all the stops to try to give themselves an edge in November's election, especially looking for an edge in the key swing states that are tipped to likely decide the election. But what 'pulling out all the stops' means is different for the two campaigns; to the Trump/Vance campaign it seems to mean taking every opportunity to talk to whoever wants to talk to them whenever they want to talk which is of course the more traditional way of doing these things. Sadly for the Harris/Walz campaign they simply don't have that luxury since their candidate for President has a nasty habit of coming off a bit.

.. let's say ditzy when she talks unscripted, so they've increasingly relied on their armies of cultural 'influencers' to do the campaigning for them.

The Democrats always have an advantage when it comes to the 'influencer' types, of course, since despite being the party that always frames itself as the cultural underdog and outsider they have for well over a generation had a stranglehold on the levers of cultural power in Hollywood and the music industry. But when it comes to celebrities there are those whose endorsement is helpful, Taylor swift (perhaps) for instance, and then there are those who have enough baggage to drown an ox whose enthusiastic endorsement is likely to do more damage than good with a huge swath of the population..

. and it's hard to think of a better example of this latter type than Jane Fonda, as we learned when an account calling itself 'Kamala For Michigan' posted a video of 'ol 'Hanoi' Jane out door knocking in Ann Arbor recently. Michiganders are used to door knocks and phone calls, but Ann Arbor residents were not prepared for the one and only @Janefonda at their door! pic.

twitter.com/t4CjvtNquY Heartwarming, right? The old Commie snuggler was out just ringing on doorbells to spread the good news of the Harris/Walz campaign! Now why would anybody think that Harris was a crypto-commie herself given the friends she keeps, right? (And we're not only talking about Tim Walz this time) Always a good idea to have Hanoi Jane go door to door through the heartland. I'm guessing the group is steering clear of the houses with POW/MIA flags or signs in the yard.

Hanoi Jane.. Communists do flock together Nothing like having the most famous traitor in American history campaign for you @KamalaHarris is a disgrace Now that's not fair to Benedict Arnold and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg but we'll say she's up there at the top amongst the most famous traitors in American history.

I would have told Hanoi Jane to get off my front doorstep and off my property. pic.twitter.

com/PBUIcXxcM7 OMG! New level of fake and cringe UNLOCKED! lol Jane picked friendly territory. Would love to see her do this in rural MI We'd love to see that too, might even pay money to watch a livestream of it on Pay Per View or something. The most insulting part is how painfully staged it all is.

Narrator: but the Ann Arbor residents were, in fact, prepared for the one and only @Janefonda at their door Y’all are so fake. Paid actress idiot voter Jane Fonda should have been tried for treason in the early 70s. If only.

Good lord is there ever a time for some Nam Vet to have a flashback https://t.co/3rEHUqBMJU Knocking doors in the most liberal city in Michigan in a D +30 district seems like a tremendous waste of time. I would expect nothing less of Hanoi Jane.

https://t.co/U4ioUN8yKQ Dear diary, today I met a traitor. https://t.

co/qjKfjgYS8b The only surprise here is really that Fonda was available to be out and about in America trying to drum up votes for Kamala in a safe Democratic district, time was we'd have expected her to be in Gaza or Iran cheering on America's enemies in their war against the Great Satan's of Israel and The United States...

but at 87 years old maybe vocally and publicly supporting Kamala Harris is the only way to subvert America and her allies that Jane has enough energy left to do..

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