
A new horror series, eagerly awaited and based on a renowned graphic novel, has made its debut on Channel 4. The four-part animated series, available for free streaming in the UK, comes half a decade after its initial announcement. The spine-chilling series of episodes, based on a top-selling Japanese anime, depicts a small town tormented by a disturbing curse.

Authored by Junji Ito, one of today's most innovative manga writers, Uzumaki is a must-see for horror and anime enthusiasts now that it's finally available for streaming. Presented by Adult Swim, this is one horror event you won't want to miss in the lead-up to Halloween. Ito's terrifying anthology comprises 16 stories centred around the town of Kurouzu-cho, where a group of teenagers are haunted by a series of bizarre and horrific events revolving around spirals.

Upon its original publication in Big Comic Spirits in 1998-1999, Uzumaki received glowing reviews and has since cultivated a strong cult following, being widely acclaimed as one of the most frightening comics ever penned. One fan recently lauded it on X (formerly Twitter), writing: "Just thinking about how Junji Ito's manga UZUMAKI changed my f***ing life. "One of the most brilliant works in horror that I've ever read.

.. it consumed me.

The slow descent into absolute madness was so thrilling in a way I feel I'll never experience again." "Started and finished Uzumaki this past week and it's gotta be one of the greatest pieces of horror I've ever read," another.

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