is done . And with the election of , more women say they're done too. The 36-year-old entrepreneur says she's been part of for two years.
Originating as a protest against misogyny and sexism in South Korea, the movement has four requirements for women who participate: No men, no men, no with men and no . Following the results of − during which abortion became a sticking point for many voters − some women are encouraging each other online to bring the movement to the United States. The aim, advocates say, is to protest Trump and Republicans, who tend to favor more restrictions on abortion than Democrats do.
Pollard didn't join the 4B movement for political reasons. She says she's simply happier single than dating a man. However, she says, the movement is now catching on among liberal women fed up with people who support policies that they believe put their rights in jeopardy.
"A lot of women don't feel taken care of by the government in their homes in many different ways. We see Brock Turner getting let off. We see Brett Kavanaugh walking.
We see Trump becoming president," Pollard says. "And so there comes a time when women going through life start to notice all of these experiences, noticing all of these cultural moments, and feeling completely overlooked." Ladies, we need to start considering the 4B movement like the women in South Korea and give America a severely sharp birth rate decline: - no marriage - no childbirth - no dating men - no sex with men We can’t let th.