
A travel hacks aficionado has revealed how to maximise the space in your luggage. TikTok user Sarah Lindner shared five pieces of travel advice for those heading on their holidays and showed how you can maximise the space in your bag and make sure it never goes missing. The packing hacks shared to her account, @thehouseofsequins, were "in case the airline misplaces your bag" according to Sarah, who suggested packing spare clothes and keeping an Apple Airtag in your bag.

She also shared an easy way of making sure your luggage is not damaged from airport to airport with a slip cover method that could make all the difference for a safe trip. Her now viral post left people praising her "great tips" for making travel that little bit easier. Sarah's first tip was to "hide an airtag in your luggage so you can track it down".

This could come in handy should an airline misplace your bag as you can then track where the luggage is, which could be a lot less stressful than not knowing where it is at all. A follow-up tip to those who were worried about losing their luggage was to pack a few days' worth of clothing in your carry-on so you know for sure you have essentials on you. She added: "I always pack a few outfits in my carry-on just in case this happens.

" Those worried about the aesthetics of their luggage were in luck too, as having bags "scratched up" is now a thing of the past. Sarah showed a simple-to-use see-through cover that will "protect [your luggage] through baggage claim"..

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