
In a recent study published in Health Care for Women International , researchers explore the impact of transcendental meditation (TM), a technique using a mantra for deep relaxation and heightened awareness, on self-esteem, self- efficacy , gratitude, quality-of-life behaviors among female adolescents living in poverty in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Study: The effect of Transcendental Meditation on self-esteem, self-efficacy, and gratitude, for increasing empowerment of female youth in Uganda . Image Credit: PeopleImages.

com - Yuri A / Shutterstock.com Female adolescents between 13 and 26 years of age living in the slums of Kampala, Uganda, encounter significant mental and physical challenges. Moreover, these individuals navigate critical stages of personal development while confronting economic instability, food and shelter insecurity, limited education, lack of employment, gender disparities, and violence, all of which contribute to low self-esteem, fatigue, and an inability to cope with daily stresses.

Currently, there is a dire shortage of resources dedicated to the mental health services of young females in this region. Thus, further research is needed to explore effective interventions that can empower and enhance the well-being of the young women of Kampala, Uganda. At baseline, 85% of the study cohort were between 13 and 19 years old, with a mean age of 16.

6. Most of the study participants had limited education, 30% of whom were illiterate, and fifteen were mothers. Of the 150 females who were initially assessed, 146 completed baseline testing.

Due to various personal circumstances, sixteen study participants did not return for post-testing. Ethical considerations included obtaining informed consent from study participants and guardians, with all procedures approved by relevant authorities. Instruments were translated into Luganda and adapted for the local context.

Study participants received a five-day TM instruction course and practiced TM at home, with follow-up sessions to ensure adherence. Due to literacy challenges, data were collected through a question-and-answer format and analyzed using paired sample t-tests. An eight-month follow-up questionnaire was provided to evaluate TM practice regularity, physical health, stress, anxiety levels, and relationship changes.

All study results were recorded and analyzed to assess the overall impact on participants' well-being and empowerment. Of the 146 study participants, 89% completed the five-month post-test. Following the TM intervention, significant improvements in self-esteem, self-efficacy, and gratitude were observed, along with a substantial reduction in fatigue.

The Adult Hope Scale questionnaire results revealed significant reductions in fatigue and worry. Furthermore, there was a notable reduction in alcohol consumption frequency, with eight of the ten women who previously drank excessively reporting a significant decrease. At eight months, 88% of the study participants returned to complete the follow-up questionnaire, where they reported their TM practice regularity, changes in physical health, stress and anxiety levels, and relationships at home and in the community.

Compliance with the intervention was high, with 84.2% practicing TM twice daily, 7% once daily, and 9.6% less than once daily.

Regarding physical health, 89% of the study participants reported improvements, describing themselves as stronger, healthier, more energetic, with clearer minds, better self-esteem, and overall better physical condition. Stress and anxiety levels also showed improvement, with 98% reporting reduced stress and anxiety, feeling calmer, more focused, resilient, and free from excessive worry. Familial relationships improved significantly, with 98% of study participants reporting greater cooperation, communication, peace, kindness, openness, and the ability to manage stress without resorting to violence.

Relationships with friends and neighbors were also improved, with 88% indicating better communication, cooperation, social connection, forgiveness, patience, overall happiness, and adaptability. The study participants shared personal testimonies about the benefits of their TM practice. For example, one 16-year-old reported improved health, mental clarity, academic performance, and relationships.

Likewise, one 19-year-old female shared that TM empowered her to overcome adversity and revive her goals despite challenging circumstances. A 21-year-old highlighted reduced worry and arguments that allowed her to pursue a hairdressing course. A 26-year-old single mother of three also expressed increased confidence and strength in supporting her family.

The Theory of Empowerment from Within highlights self-esteem as essential for empowerment. TM promotes transcendence, stress release, and pure consciousness, significantly enhancing self-esteem and empowerment. The current study participants reported improved health, energy, calmness, and social interactions.

Increased self-efficacy and gratitude further indicate enhanced coping abilities and well-being. Taken together, the benefits of TM in reducing alcohol use and fatigue underscore its positive impact on female youth in Uganda, thereby fostering empowerment despite socioeconomic challenges..

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