The first installment of this two-part series, NewsBlaze True Crime Series delves into the sophisticated operation by a well-educated computer technician to enlist shady pilots for the clandestine transportation of large quantities of illicit drugs from overseas into Mexico and subsequently the same drugs entered the U.S. Exploiting severe weak spots in security practices at private airports, where there is an absence of traditional transportation security checkpoints, the computer tech managed to orchestrate a lucrative operation while evading the scrutiny of federal agents.
Moreover, the narrative sheds light on the privileged immunity enjoyed by private airport proprietors in the United States who are shielded from routine screenings and personal searches by law enforcement authorities. On a Flight, A Computer Tech Transported Millions in Cash & Dope: Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay In a recent feature article published by the Louisville Courier, a reporter gave an exclusive backstory about Robert Walter Carlson , a prosperous businessman who mingled with prominent figures in Hollywood circles, a man aspiring to become the preeminent figure in facilitating illicit drug trafficking by using expensive airplanes and luxury jets.
Carlson’s single-handed goal was to become the “Cocaine King of the Skies.” The term “cocaine king of the skies” refers to a daring and notorious drug trafficker. Robert Carlson was known as such in the narco circles of “Who’s, Who’s.