
In Tamil Nadu, the report of Hema Committee which highlighted grievances against women in the Malayalam Film Industry has stirred débats. South Indian Artists’ Association (SIAA) General Secretary Vishal has recently called for the formation of a comparable body within the Tamil film industry to address the pervasive abuse of women. In one of the recent discussions with the media, Vishal expressed his reservations about the role of women in the industry, especially in Tamil Nadu.

"Everyone who is misusing women must be beaten with slippers. There is no going soft on such things," he said emphasizing further the action against offenders. He also lent support to the women in Kerala who shared their experiences by stating "There’s, I mean I was asked: There’s no one who is going to take care of the suffering of Tamil actresses? I want to reassure them, we (SIAA) are there, and we will not let the criminals get away with it.

” In further detail, Vishal declared that the Nadigar Sangam (SIAA) should be able to constitute the committee within a timeline of ten days after being formed to tackle such issues. “We are making plans, and soon a declaration will be done. We have an obligation.

To the men in the industry, the association is not only for them so that there’s someone who’s there for them, but to women also that there’s someone there for them," he stated. As reported by the Hema Committee recently on August 20, there was also a disturbing power structure in t.

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