
Former Top Gear duo Paddy McGuinness and Chris Harris are hitting the road again, this time on a quest to discover the secrets of ageing with style . As Paddy enters his fifties and Chris nears the milestone, they're embarking on an epic journey to uncover the wisdom of European nations renowned for their graceful approach to midlife. "We are on a mission to explore all the different ways our continental neighbours grow old gracefully," Paddy, 51, reveals.

"We're at a point in our lives where we want to make the most of our years ahead, so we try out as many experiences as we can to learn how some of the oldest and well-preserved people on the planet are doing it!". This adventure marks the first collaboration between Paddy and Chris since their days on Top Gear came to an end following Freddie Flintoff's crash in 2022. The pair, who are close mates, will have to get cosy as Paddy confesses there wasn't "much room" in their camper van.

"We have to contend with living in each other's pockets for the duration of the road trip," Chris, 49, chimes in. "So it's certainly going to be entertaining! ". With boundless enthusiasm, the two set off in pursuit of youthfulness, visiting countries like Sweden, Greece , and Switzerland throughout the series.

They face unconventional anti-ageing techniques head-on, embracing them with gusto. "We've really tried to tap into both the traditional and modern methods of 'living well' that are adopted by each of the countries we visited," Paddy revealed. "From Swedish saunas, to milking goats, rock climbing and even visiting a 'Gentleman's clinic'.

.. you name it, we try it!".

In the first episode, filmed in Sweden, Paddy and Chris visit a sauna where all the men are an average age of 70 and naked as the day they were born. In Greece, they learn how to live a simpler life of putting up fences, fishing and surfing. The last stop on their tour is Switzerland, where the lads travel to one of the country's top wellness resorts to assess how well they are ageing.

They are put through a rigorous training programme that reveals their true biological ages, bringing surprises and a shock for Chris. "By the end of the series, I come to some quite big conclusions based on the experiences we've had..

. which the audience will get to see," Chris hinted. "I've learnt that there are certainly things I can change about my lifestyle to improve my health.

" "I've learnt a lot about my own health during the trip, some of which really shocked me, so I'll definitely be taking the advice I've been given. I've also learnt that life is for living, so plan to do plenty of that as well!". Paddy chimed in, "There are moments where we both really do some soul-searching and think about how we can make the most of the years ahead.

" Both blokes were buzzing about their visit to the Greek island of Ikaria, with Chris sharing, "]The slower pace and the 'simple life' attitude adopted by the people of Ikaria was really inspiring," adding, "And they are living proof, as the people there are some of the oldest in the world ." Paddy was equally impressed, reflecting, "I really enjoyed seeing the people on Ikaria leave all the complications of modern day life and technology behind, and just get out there and enjoy everything life has to offer. "".

Despite both being motor enthusiasts, tunes during their journey were dominated by one. Chris lamented, "Unfortunately for me, I don't get a look in with the radio when Paddy is around," before admitting defeat to Paddy's choice of music, "So I was stuck with his awful playlist of 1980s power ballads and had to put up withPaddy singing along to them." Much to his chagrin, country vibes slipped into their playlists too.

Paddy couldn't contain his excitement, "You can't beat a bit of Johnny Cash on a road trip! " He proclaimed, "Luckily for Chris, he was travelling with Bolton's best karaoke performer, so the hours in the van simply melted away!". Curious about the essentials for these road warriors, we discovered they come prepared. Chris confessed the essential he packs for the road, "I think the most valuable item I take away with me when travelling with Mr McGuinness is definitely earplugs," much-needed for Paddy's personal concerts it seems.

Paddy, on the other hand, never forgets his swimming gear, exclaiming that the travel staple for him is swimming trunks. He clarifies: "I'm not talking about your usual 'just popping to the local leisure centre' pair of trunks,". Paddy adds, "but the brightly coloured, novelty patterned ones that only come out once a year in an effort to out-dad all the other dads at the hotel pool.

" Watch Paddy And Chris: Road Tripping on Sunday 29 September at 8pm on BBC One.

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