
.. From budget savings to scalability, the cloud can help businesses streamline and simplify processes.

However, the cloud is not a “magic bullet” option and migrations need to be carefully planned, with teams having complete knowledge of what to expect. There are many misconceptions and myths around cloud computing, which could hinder an enterprise from achieving the optimal results from having moved to the cloud. In this article, we debunk the common myths that could possibly prevent businesses from and fully and focus on how a well-planned and executed cloud adoption strategy.

One of the most common objections to is some or the other variation of “being at the mercy of the cloud provider.” While cloud adoption does increase the risks of vendor lock-in, these risks are often overestimated. Think of it as renting an apartment: all the contents brought are yours, and you can even make changes to the premises with the landlord’s approval —change the flooring, repaint the walls, etc.

The logic is similar in cloud computing — enterprises will still own their applications and data, despite being hosted by a third party. They will be provided with a set of predefined “structures” — security services, virtual machines (VMs), and data storage services — that they can use to design the optimal solution for their businesses. Moreover, the degree of assumed responsibilities also differs based on the cloud computing service model chosen: In all cases, enterprises w.

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