
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results (window.adq = window.adq || []).

push((api) => api.addSlot({"key":"card","index":"1","searchTerm":null,"fullSearchTerm":null})); Faye Documentary and factual News and current affairs 2024 Laurent Bouzereau 91 mins Summary: The life and career of actress Faye Dunaway, who talks about her bipolar disorder diagnosis and discusses her reputation for being difficult to work with RT says:: Laurent Bouzereau’s candid portrait of Faye Dunaway opens with the legendary Hollywood actor complaining..

. about the camera angle, the chair she’s sitting in and how long filming’s taking. Clearly, there’s some truth in her reputation for being difficult, which once led Bette Davis to brand her “impossible”.

However, as she talks about the film roles she has played — often damaged, uncompromising women — we learn how her upbringing, her alcoholism and her mental health issues have affected her, although she dismisses her bipolar diagnosis as “just a thing that is part of my make-up”. Central to the interview is her impressive body of work in films such as Bonnie and Clyde, Mommie Dearest, Chinatown and Network. JANE RACKHAM How to watch Dame Judi and Jay: The Odd Couple Documentary and factual News and current affairs Summary: Jay Blades and Judi Dench have become friends since meeting on an episode of The Repair Shop three years ago.

However, there is still a lot they don't know about the unique journeys that brought them together. They've decided to show each other the things that matter most to them, hoping to uncover the experiences that have shaped their very different lives RT says:: Judi Dench and Jay Blades come from radically different worlds. Their backgrounds and life experiences are total opposites.

As Jay says, “Actually I don’t think we have anything in common.” Except they both laugh a lot and, rather surprisingly, get on incredibly well. In this charming film they’re taking each other to places that have been important to them: for Jay that includes Ridley Road Market in London’s East End and a Hackney youth club he used to frequent and without which, he says, he’d have ended up dead or in prison; for Judi it’s the Old Vic and the family home she shared with her beloved late husband Michael Williams.

There are many emotional moments in between the giggles and larking about. Judi looks slightly bemused while selling plantain from a market stall but gets understandably tearful when she sees her old home for the first time since 1984, while Jay, who only learnt to read aged 51, bravely struggles to read out loud a famous Shakespearean soliloquy. JANE RACKHAM How to watch BBC Proms Music Summary: Annual classical music extravaganza.

RT says:: Petroc Trelawny is well placed to host Britten’s War Requiem. He told RT last year that, along with Schubert and Bach, Benjamin Britten would be one of his Desert Island composers. Also, he’s recently performed My Beloved Man, a show based on the love letters between Britten and his partner, the tenor Peter Pears.

The couple actually performed the Proms debut of the War Requiem in 1963. Tonight, Antonio Pappano is conducting the London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, joined by the BBC Symphony Chorus, the Tiffin Boys’ Choir, tenor Allan Clayton, soprano Natalya Romaniw and baritone Will Liverman. The concert is followed on BBC4 by archive Britten programmes.

PATRICK MULKERN How to watch The Body Next Door Documentary and factual Summary: Documentary about a murder investigation in the South Wales Valleys after he discovery of a body meticulously wrapped in over 40 layers of plastic RT says:: The police and forensic experts continue their frustratingly slow investigations into the male corpse that had been wrapped in layers of plastic and dumped in south Wales. However, the second film of this trilogy focuses more on the five children of Leigh Sabine, whom she abandoned in New Zealand when they were young. “My mother was a nasty, horrible, heartless bitch,” says Jane Sabine — and with good reason.

Their childhood in foster care was shocking and when, years later, they were reunited with their parents, there was no apology or explanation offered before Leigh ran off again. It’s such an appalling tale, you almost forget that this is about a murder. JANE RACKHAM How to watch (window.

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addSlot({"key":"card","index":"2","searchTerm":null,"fullSearchTerm":null})); The Other Mrs Jordan Documentary and factual Summary: The astonishing true tale of bigamist and conman William Jordan RT says:: Just when you think the story of serial bigamist William Jordan couldn’t get more scandalous, sinister or surprising, this second episode manages all three. Following her meeting with “the other Mrs Jordan”, Mary Turner Thomson dug deeper into the background of the man who purported to be her loving, devoted husband. The trail leads to the discovery that William had no fewer than six relationships on the go during just one year, while the tally for how many children he’s known to have continues to tick upwards.

Even a stint in prison before deportation to the US in 2009 didn’t quash his insatiable desire to deceive. Before long, he had yet another target lined up. FRANCES TAYLOR How to watch Quantum Leap 2022 Action Comedy Summary: Physicist Ben Song finds himself trapped in the past, leaping into the bodies of different people.

Revival of the sci-fi drama, starring Raymond Lee, Caitlin Bassett, Mason Alexander Park and Nanrisa Lee RT says:: The cult classic US sci-fi series has been rebooted for the 21st century with the same basic premise. Now, 30 years on, it’s Dr Ben Song (Raymond Lee) who jumps through time and space, assuming the identity of a random person in every place he visits and hoping every time that this sojourn will be his last. Slightly less episodic than the original but still good at spinning a fresh yarn every week, it’s worth a spin if you want an adventure story you don’t need to invest in too much.

JACK SEALE How to watch Elvis Romance Drama 2022 Baz Luhrmann 160 mins 12 Summary: Musical biopic starring Austin Butler and Tom Hanks. In the mid 1950s, low-level huckster Colonel Tom Parker discovers the young singer Elvis Presley and becomes his manager. Over the next two decades, Elvis experiences highs and lows as one of the most famous artists on the planet.

But the debt-ridden Parker grows ever more controlling of his young cash cow. How to watch The Reunion Documentary and factual News and current affairs RT says:: Kirsty Wark may have finished with Newsnight but she’s sticking with politics in the first of a new series of The Reunion, bringing together key members of the 1997 Labour government to reflect on their landslide victory and the first 100 days in power. There’s no Blair or Brown, but in a way that’s a good thing, as you get a peek behind the curtain from backroom employees such as chief of staff Jonathan Powell, Brown’s political secretary Sue Nye and Blair’s confidante Anji Hunter, as well as Cabinet members Jack Straw and Harriet Harman.

As ever in this excellent series, Wark adroitly balances the serious analysis with light-hearted moments and handles the different big personalities with ease, prising a few words of advice for Sir Keir Starmer from Harman and Straw. DAVID CRAWFORD How to listen The World's Biggest Cruise Ship Documentary and factual News and current affairs Summary: The construction and launch of cruise ship Icon of the Seas, which at 20 decks high and almost a quarter of a mile long, has been crowned the world's biggest cruise ship. Cameras board the ship as it welcomes its first ever paying guests and sets sail from Miami on its maiden seven-day voyage around the Caribbean RT says:: The massive Icon of the Seas is probably the same size as Star War’s Death Star but much more fun and undoubtedly more luxurious.

The floating metropolis has a 3,000-square-metre Aqua Dome glass roof (chairman Richard Fain drew the original idea on a napkin), an innovative walk-through art installation called The Pearl and various “thrill concepts”, including a huge waterpark, conceived during the “dreaming process”. The only thing that’s tiny is the ship’s surprisingly small steering wheel. This below-decks doc gives us wave after wave of statistics along with a glimpse of the relentlessly cheery life on board.

You may want a holiday after watching. JANE RACKHAM How to watch The Secret World of Children Documentary and factual Summary: Documentary exploring what happens when children aged nine and 10 have to deal with various dilemmas without parental supervision RT says:: Channel 4’s The Secret Life of..

. series began a decade ago, professing to “document key stages in social development” among four-, five- and six-year-olds. In fact, of course, it was an excuse to watch kids do the funniest things, as well as making adult viewers a little teary.

Now Channel 5 gives the idea a fresh spin with a look at the ripe-for-comedy world of nine- and ten-year-olds, an age when many are well on their way to being cool, sniffy teens, while having one foot firmly planted in childhood. So how would they cope with a taste of adult life? As their parents look on, the show’s Year 5 guinea pigs try their hands at working in a market and buying outfits for a smart dinner. DAVID BUTCHER How to watch.

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