
The start of any journey can often lead to many bumps on the road as you fine-tune your skills. I’ve experienced this myself in , where I constantly wished I had known a few handy techniques much sooner. Now that I’ve spent time with the game, I’ve put together the best tips and tricks for beginners to start their farming legacy the right way.

1: Move items faster with the ‘Shift’ key Moving items to storage was one of the most frustrating things I experienced early on, dragging objects back and forth in a tedious manner. Fortunately, there’s a way to make this process more accessible by holding down the ‘Shift’ key and clicking the item for a quick and easy transfer. It also helps when you increase the intake of specific items, which will be conveniently highlighted for the extraction.

Hopefully, will introduce a smart transfer for these items, but for now, this is the best option to do. 2: Visit the Inn daily for a free bowl of soup You’ll be strapped for cash during the early stages of , especially after you’ve bought the shovel and the fishing rod. That means you may not have the luxury of buying something as simple as a meal, ultimately leaving your stamina and health in the dust.

To avoid this, go to the Inn and grab a nice, hot soup bowl for extra boosts. Although you’ll only be permitted to grab one a day, it beats purchasing a meal with the Inn’s relatively high prices. The soup selection also changes daily, giving you a chance to try a variety of delicious-looking recipes.

3: Change the ‘Use Tool (Repeated)’ settings default settings can be a bit frustrating when it comes to using tools. The constant need to click on items, particularly during extensive farming, can be tiresome. However, you can enhance your gameplay by changing the Controls via the Settings.

This adjustment allows for faster movement and reduces the need for those almost endless clicks. Scroll down to the ‘Use Tool (Repeated)’ and change it to your desired interaction. I went for a simple left click on the mouse, but you can use another one that better suits your needs.

In return, the character will now initiate multiple swings when holding the button. 4: Leave items on the ground when storage is full Storage capacity limits have always been the bane of my existence, often making me lose out on valuable items. What makes it worse is when said object disappears over time, as you may have seen in other cozy games like .

could have applied that same annoying tactic, but luckily, items here won’t disappear even after a few days. Nevertheless, are the only area where this mechanic doesn’t work, given that the layouts respawn after exiting. You can rely on this non-disappearing act anytime you’ve reached the maximum capacity for your storage.

Just be sure to note down its location and pick it up once the inventory clears out. Or, you can be like me and forget, then have a welcomed surprise later on. 5: Visit the Inn on Friday nights Friday nights are a bustling time in the world of , offering a unique opportunity to interact with multiple characters.

The entire village gathers here after 6 p.m. (in-game time), a situation I often exploit to efficiently complete several quests.

This way, I avoid the hassle of individually locating each person and providing them with the necessary materials. Besides being a quest-completion bonanza, Friday nights are also a prime time for gift-giving. Use this occasion to foster relationships, and who knows, it might even spark .

6: Fish as much as possible Like many farming simulators, fishing is one of the quickest ways to earn money in . While you do need to spend 500 Tesserae on your first fishing rod, this price will be more than worth it when you start collecting hordes of fish. No bait is required, meaning you don’t have to spend money on extra materials.

For more rewards, speak to Caldarus (the dragon statue) to specifically for fishing. The Weedline Watcher ability is one of the best early skills to unlock in . It reduces the chances of collecting junk, which can save you time and effort.

7: Check your inventory for donations Instead of going back and forth to see what donations you’ve made, you can check on your inventory to see if you’ve already given an item. Each piece of an Artifact set will be marked with a museum check box in its description, marking it off as completed from any past transactions. If an artifact has already been checked off, it’s time to cash in.

Once it’s been donated, duplicate Artifacts serve no purpose, so it’s best to sell them for a tidy profit. I’ve also used this check box to help me see which items can be donated, given that a few can’t be used for the museum. 8: Upgrade your backpack Even though you can return to dropped items, it’s still a good idea to expand your inventory.

The default 10 slots just don’t cut it, but the can at least get it to 20. With this enhancement, I haven’t needed to extract my items as much, even if I’ve accumulated a lot of them in the Mines. Those looking for more slots will have the opportunity to buy another Bag Upgrade later.

Unfortunately, both upgrades require a significant amount of Tesserae, and it’ll be crucial to utilize the fish for profit. 9: Jump around for faster travel As you explore the lands of Mistria, you’ll stumble across various roadblocks, from a cliff’s edge to a river. I initially thought walking around these points of interest was the only way to get across.

However, the handy jump interaction allows you to get to the next area with ease. While jumping may seem like a standard feature in most games, farming simulators sometimes lack this option. Thankfully for us, offers this ability, where you can either jump down to a lower level or inside a body of water.

Plus, whenever wood or foliage is in your way, you can jump over it to avoid it completely. 10: Don’t buy tools straight away Before outright from shops, I suggest completing a few tasks first to earn them for free. Items like the Bug Net and Pickaxe will be given to you with the initial string of Requests, tying into Eiland and Luc’s missions.

Juniper will also provide the Crystal Ball, an item that predicts the following day’s weather, during her quest. The shovel and fishing rod are the only ones that require a purchase. Though the rod can be made at the forge, it’ll be challenging to gather the materials for it during the beginning stages.


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