
If you’ve ever done a double take after seeing someone else’s kitchen, you’re not alone. Everyone has their own quirks and unique ways of handling their kitchen that may raise some eyebrows. Find out if you’ve ever debated these divisive opinions among home cooks, from the necessity of dishwashers and meal planning to the right storage methods for eggs and bread.

Is the dishwasher for washing or storing dishes? In some households, people merely use the dishwasher as a drying rack, while in others, they rely on it for what it’s intended for — actually washing the dishes. The division between these two cleaning methods will surely spark debate on which is the best way. Handwashing allows you to clean as you go, so the pots and pans don’t pile up in the sink, leaving less work after the meal.

Fans of this method also argue that washing dishes by hand cleans them better than the machine would. Others prefer to do the dishes all at once and don’t mind the temporary mess in the sink before loading up the washer. Your opinions toward this machine are likely to clash with another, so it’s not uncommon for a household to use both methods.

Bread box or fridge? Believe it or not, your choice of bread storage can be a controversial one. Some prefer to keep it in a bread box at room temperature, while others swear by storing it in the fridge. Many people wonder if bread boxes are effective, but they keep bread moist and fresh by storing it in a dark, cool place.

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