
If you find yourself feeling sleepy in the daytime it could be related to a sleep disorder called hypersomnia.So, what is hypersomnia? Unlike insomnia, where you struggle to sleep, hypersomnia means you need more sleep - even if you’ve had enough sleep during the night.Of course, all of us are prone to needing a nap, now and again, especially when we’ve put a strain on our bodies during the day, or if we’ve slept badly — but if you start to feel excessively tired all the time, this could be a sign of hypersomnia.

So, what causes the sleep disorder and can it be cured? We look at the latest research and talk to sleep experts about how hypersomnia can cause havoc with your waking hours.What is hypersomnia?You’ve probably heard of insomnia, but hypersomnia is the opposite problem, where despite getting enough sleep at night you’re still sleepy in the daytime — meaning you fall asleep easily in the day or find it hard to stay awake.Dr Leah Kaylor, a psychologist and sleep expert says: “Occasionally, more sleep may be required after emotionally intense events, physically strenuous events, or extended travel.

(Image credit: Getty Images)If an additional hour of rest helps you feel alert and ready to perform at your best, then that may be the right amount of sleep for your body.“However, if you consistently sleep longer and still feel fatigued or find yourself nodding off during downtime, it could signal an underlying health issue that warrants further attention,” .

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