
Supplements for skin, hair and mood are all the rage, but should you take them for your heart? A cardiovascular scientist weighs in. We’ve become a nation of pill-poppers, happy to down target="_blank"> vitamin D supplements at the drop of a hat to pep up our immune systems and strengthen our bones and muscles. But have you ever considered taking a supplement for the sake of your heart ? Dr James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Missouri, believes they could be very beneficial.

Heart disease accounts for one in 10 deaths in the UK (it’s more like one in three in NZ, with heart disease being the leading cause of death in this country). While a healthy diet is always the best way forward, few of us are getting sufficient vitamins , minerals or fatty acids to keep our hearts ticking over nicely. DiNicolantonio believes there are three key supplements that could fill in the heart-shaped gaps in our diet.

However, it’s worth remembering they are not meant as a replacement for medication and could interact with statins or blood thinners - so check with your doctor before taking them..

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