Congress leader and Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition, Rahul Gandhi slammed Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his remarks on BR Ambedkar in the Parliament. In a post on X, Rahul Gandhi said, "Those who believe in Manusmriti will definitely have problems with Ambedkar ji." Home Minister Amit Shah, in his address in the Rajya Sabha at the conclusion of a two-day discussion in Rajya Sabha on 75 years of the Constitution on Tuesday, lashed out at the Congress party and said that it had become a 'fashion' for the party to take Ambedkar's name.
मनुस्मृति को मानने वालों को अंबेडकर जी से तकलीफ़ बेशक होगी ही। "If they had taken the name of god so many times instead of Ambedkar then they would have got heaven for 7 lives," he said. Attacking the Congress party further, he pointed out that Ambedkar had to resign from the first cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru because of his 'disagreement' on the issues of SCs and STs. "Ambedkar had to resign from the first cabinet of the country.
He said that he was unhappy with the behaviour towards the SCs and STs. He disagreed with the foreign policy of the Congress and Article 370. He resigned on being ignored.
They are taking the name of Ambedkar because now many people have come who believe in him. Congress is taking the name of Ambedkar for votes," he added. Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal also slammed Amit Shah and said that the Home Minister's.