
What’s happening: Energetic Mars forms a tense square with serious Saturn this weekend, so hookups are prob not happening, and any sex you have isn’t great. Mercury squares Uranus on Sunday, sending surprise messages your way. The Mercury cazimi at the same time indicates that these are significant messages from important—although unexpected—people.

The Sun squares Uranus on Monday, which has similar significance. Venus squares off with Jupiter at the same time, filling you with an abundance of love and affection. At the same time, Venus is opposite Saturn, the planet of responsibility, so make sure you’re giving all this love to the right person.

Then, Virgo season starts on Thursday! The love planets, Venus and Mars, are experiencing a ton of passionate friction at the same time, so it’s a great day to have some great sex! What that means for *you*: Aries It’s okay to back down from a fight, Aries. Whether it’s beef with a lover from your past, an ongoing feud with an ex-situationship, or a longstanding issue between you and your boo, it’s becoming abundantly clear that you aren’t going to make any progress—not now, not with this particular issue. If there’s a way to peacefully move on from that ex, or agree to disagree with your partner, take it.

Sunday’s astro is phenomenal for your sex life. If you’re single, finding a hookup is a breeze, and if you’re in a relationship, it’s a great time to try out some of the kinks you’ve been wanting to play with! Taurus There’s some difficult astro this week, but it’s leaving your love life untouched for the most part. Monday’s astro is thrilling, and you’re feeling better than ever.

It’s easier for you to express affection and care for others, and you’re opening up more, allowing more love to come to you. If you’re boo’d up, expect some kick-ass sex. If you’re single, finding the right person to hook up with is a little tough, but if you manage to bag a real hottie, you can also expect some ah-mazing sex! Gemini You want to take that next step in your relationship—whether you’re mustering up the courage to talk to your crush, trying to DTR with your situationship, or planning a wedding with your partner—but you’re getting tons of resistance from the other person.

I’m sorry, Gemini, but this weekend’s astro has “rejection” written all over it. You’re not getting shut down—think of this as a “not yet,” instead of a “no.” If you keep pressing the issue, all you’ll do is start drama, which we don’t want during Mercury Retrograde.

Be patient. They might come around to the idea, but even if they never do, you still need to respect that. Cancer This weekend, you’re facing typical Mercury Retrograde drama with your ex (or multiple exes).

There are even more people from the past coming back around on Monday, but this time, you can expect to have pleasant connections with them! You’re feeling some sexual tension, and it’d be easy to take them to bed, but let’s be real: Things could get messy. You’re being given the chance to take this person, appraise them, decide whether they’re worth including in your life again, and then taking action. If you’re looking to bone and nothing else, you can do that without a hitch.

If you’re considering a fresh start and giving yourself a second chance for a relationship, that’s an option too. Just make sure you’re being 100% honest with the other person with your intentions. Leo Your libido is amped up and you’re looking for action—but Saturn’s telling you that there’s just none to be found.

You want to get laid, but no matter how wide a net you cast, it’s tough to come up with a catch. You’re a Leo, you need attention, and without applause, you feel like you might die! You may become self-conscious and self-critical, blaming yourself for not pulling any hotties. Even worse, you could feel bad about your looks, personality, or whatever, but listen to me, Leo.

Sometimes a dry spell is just a dry spell! Wait until the end of the week when Venus is square Mars. This astro is much nicer for your love life, and getting lucky should be much easier. Virgo There’s a disagreement between you and your S.

O./crush/FWB/etc. One of you is ready to turn your situationship into the real thing.

Or maybe one of you thinks your relationship is going well, and the other has grievances to air. Maybe you’re single and crushing hard on someone who’s showing no interest—or maybe you have reject someone who’s super into you and not getting the hint. This weekend’s astro is frustrating and it can lead to a big fight if you’re not careful, so try to be patient and .

Venus square Jupiter on Monday is for bringing love into your life—whether it’s an abundance of affection from your partner, or some love opportunities. Then, the Venus/Mars square on Day One of Virgo season is a hot, spicy, sexy transit. Don’t squander all of this week’s potential over this weekend’s difficult astro! Libra Venus in Virgo (plus Virgo season’ later in the week) is attracting exes your way, and this weekend’s cazimi Mercury indicates major conversations are happening.

Translation: You're probably reconnecting with an ex. If you're feeling tempted to get back with them, I encourage you to take a step back and think. A quickie followed by a “see ya later” isn’t a problem right now—as a matter of fact, it could be fun!—but take my advice and try to jump into a relationship again.

Try to remind yourself this person is your ex. Their annoying habits, their lack of consideration, their sub-par communication skills, etc. haven’t gone anywhere.

The same trouble they caused in the past will come back if you try to drag them back into your life. A hookup, a catch-up over coffee, or simply a friendly convo is supported by this astro-weather. This is a time to connect with your past, get the closure you need, then move on.

Scorpio Quickies aren’t doing it for you this weekend. Your libido is charged up, you’re full of passion, and your energy levels are at their maximum—you need some long, hard, toe-curling, mind-boggling sex! If you're single, there’s potential for an amazing hookup right now, and if you’re boo’d up, you can look forward to some unforgettable sex. There’s a catch, though! Hooking up can be an absolute thrill right now, but catching feelings is a possibility.

The astro later this week has “rejection” written all over it, so if you decide to ask your fling about taking things more seriously, it’s looking like they’re gonna say “no.” Sagittarius Displaced anger leads to loneliness and nothing else. There’s a lot happening in your life right now—family drama, work drama, home drama—and you’re likely to take it out on your partner.

This could mean starting petty squabbles with your boo, or neglecting (or straight up ghosting) that person you’ve been dating. Not because they’ve done anything in particular, but because you’re taking your stress out on them. This will push people away, especially with this week’s astro, so I encourage you to keep your work, social, and family drama out of your love life.

Otherwise, you’ll only cause more stress for yourself, you’ll end up lonely. Capricorn When you get into a disagreement with your significant other, how do you react? Do you jump straight to yelling and screaming? Do you have the presence of mind to take a breath and step back for a beat? Or do you straight up ditch them and move on to someone new? It looks like there’s some sort of conflict between you and your partner, and the way you deal with it has major influence over your relationship as a whole. So, are we going to fight things out? No! We’re playing nice this week.

Patience is , especially for a go-go-go sign such as yourself, but it’s necessary right now. Aquarius You have plenty of opportunities to fool around and have fun right now, but Venus in Virgo has other plans. Quickies and hookups aren’t super satisfying for you right now because Venus wants you to focus on intimacy, emotional connections, and commitment.

Hookups are also way more likely to result in you catching feelings now, too, which can get messy fast. Sex is a one-way ticket to closeness and intimacy, so if you think hopping into bed with someone means you're officially a couple, think again. Take things slower, try dating taking the other person home, and you can slowly slide into receiving the affection that you’re craving.

Pisces Venus and the Sun in Virgo are activating your chart’s relationships zone this week, meaning we’re finally entering your sign’s cuffing season! You're experiencing tons of good luck this week when it comes to both romance and sex. If you’re partnered up, it’s easier and more pleasant to be with your boo, and the sex is pretty great, too. If you’re single, more people are sliding into your DMs and you’re able to connect them more easily, so finding a date shouldn’t be a problem at all! Good luck, and have fun! Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @ ) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes.

He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @ , and to book a reading, go to ..

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