To get solid and full protection during the ongoing cold and flu season, you must get the influenza vaccine now, says the US Food and Drug Administration. According to the health authority, the ideal time to get the flu vaccine is by the end of October. “Flu viruses typically spread in fall and winter, with activity peaking between December and February,” the agency added.
“Getting vaccinated in the fall can lower your chances of getting the flu.” Every year, the flu vaccine targets the three influenza strains that are most likely to circulate and cause illness across the country - influenza A, B, and C. Only influenza A and B cause epidemics.
Of these two types, there are generally two distinct strains that go in circulation, and the strains are different enough that immunity to one of them does not confer immunity to the others. According to the FDA, the strains are identified by watching flu trends in the southern hemisphere, where the wintertime cold and flu season is taking place while America sees the summer season. “The flu vaccine will trigger your immune system to produce antibodies to protect against influenza disease -- it will not make you sick with the flu,” the FDA added.
“It can take about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body, which is an important reason to get your flu vaccine early before flu activity starts.” Why is an influenza shot needed every year? According to experts, every year you need to upgrade your inf.