
Andrés Hurtado, popularly known as “Chibolín”, is in the eye of the storm following recent accusations of influence peddling and money laundering. Ana Siucho wife of footballer Edison Flores, has stated that Hurtado had received million-dollar bribes in order to buy favours from the Public Prosecutor’s Office. However, these accusations have not only affected the television personality, but have also put the lifestyle of his ex-wife Marilú Montiel and his daughters Jossety and Génnesis Hurtado under scrutiny.

The Hurtado family’s rise to luxury has generated a lot of attention. Hurtado’s first wife, Marilú Montiel, currently resides in the United States with her daughters, where they lead a life full of ostentation. But how did they go from an ordinary life to one full of luxury? This is a look at the circumstances that surrounded the couple from the beginning.

The beginnings of Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel met at the popular nightclub ‘La Gata Caliente’ in Miraflores. The relationship blossomed quickly, and in 1987 they were married. At that time, both were working in the arts: Hurtado in television, and Montiel as an actress in comedy shows such as ‘Risas y Salsa’ and ‘JB Noticias’.

However, it was from that moment on that her life began to change drastically. Marilú Montiel was part of various comedy shows. Photo: Diffusion According to contemporary witnesses, after their wedding, the couple began to stand out among their colleagues for their luxurious lifestyle.

In an interview, Fulvia Célica mentioned with irony: “It could be that she won the lottery, won La Tinka, received an inheritance from her mother, from her grandmother or found a suitcase full of dollars.” These statements reflect the doubts that began to arise around the couple’s sudden economic rise. Marilú Montiel, who was known as one of the most elegant women in show business, was seen with Andrés Hurtado at social events, both dressed in haute couture brands such as Versace.

“We began to see him appearing in a convertible car, with cell phones, with Versaces, and Marilú impeccably well dressed,” recalled the late presenter Juan Carlos Ferrando, who even compared the couple to Edith Tapia and Richard Dulanto, famous for their style and elegance at that time. Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel met at the La Gata Caliente Café Theatre. Photo: Diffusion Suspicions about the origin of the fortune Despite appearances, questions about the source of the Hurtado family’s resources never went away.

Statements from people close to them suggest that their rise was abrupt and mysterious. One of the most revealing testimonies comes from a hidden camera, where an anonymous witness spoke about the strange movements of Hurtado and Montiel in the 1990s. The witness recounted that the television host would often arrive in a white Mercedes accompanied by his wife and other women, drop them off at a nightclub and then leave alone, fueling rumors about his unconventional lifestyle.

In addition, Marilú Montiel was linked in the 90s to the drug trafficker Demetrio Chavez Penaherrera better known as ‘ Vatican ‘. According to information released by the program ‘Everything is Leaked’ Montiel was known in certain circles as ‘ The Starlet ‘, a nickname that emerged during the investigations into Chávez Peñaherrera’s illicit activities. In an interview with ‘Café con la Chevez,’ actress Susan León also referred to Montiel and his connection to this scandal.

Marilú Montiel was also linked to the ‘Vatican’. Photo: Diffusion Statements from those close to him There have been many voices from those who knew Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel up close. In addition to Fulvia Célica and Juan Carlos Ferrando, other figures from the entertainment industry have offered their opinions on the opulent life they led in the 1990s.

However, no statement has been as striking as that of Ferrando, who jokingly said: “Maybe that’s where he started to build this Ricko McHurtado character.” Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel were married in 1987. Photo: Diffusion The nickname reflects the image that Hurtado has cultivated for years: that of a wealthy and successful man, although always surrounded by controversy.

Now, with the accusations against him, that image is seriously affected, and doubts about his financial dealings and personal life have intensified. The present of the Hurtado family in the United States Today, Marilú Montiel lives in the United States, where her daughters Jossety and Génnesis Hurtado also reside. Both young women are very active on social media, where they share images of their luxurious lives, which has generated curiosity about the source of their income.

Jossety Hurtado, in particular, has stood out as an influencer and businesswoman in the world of beauty, while Génnesis has a slightly more discreet profile, although she also shows signs of living a comfortable and ostentatious life. Marilú Montiel currently resides in the United States, as do her daughters Josetty and Génnesis. Photo: Composition LR / Instagram This lifestyle has once again put the Hurtado family under scrutiny, especially amid the accusations they are currently facing.

While investigations continue, the mystery surrounding the origin of Andrés Hurtado and his family’s fortune remains a topic of speculation and debate in the media and public opinion. Join our entertainment channel.

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