
Do you sit at a desk all day and then find you're exhausted, your back aches and exercise is the last thing on your mind? I hear you. But desk jobs can be killers, so taking regular strength breaks during the working day is essential to your health and well-being. Strength training at work might sound like a strange concept, but it's one of the best things you can do to protect your health and mitigate the adverse effects of a sedentary job.

Still not sure whether you fancy the prospect of pumping iron in the office? I've got your back. As a clinical exercise physiologist, my research focuses on finding new and innovative ways to improve participation levels of strength training in the general population. If you want to boost mood, energy levels , mental focus and reduce the risk of developing long-term health conditions then read on.

Step 1: Week one and two Try the exercises below using just your body weight . The first couple of weeks are about building confidence with the movement patterns to prepare for adding weights to the routine in the third week. These five exercises don't require any furniture or walls, which saves the awkwardness of having to use a wall near a colleague's desk—and they're done from a standing position, so you don't have to get on the floor if you're in a shared office space.

Bent-over row One set = 12 repetitions and rest for one minute. Repeat with each of the five exercises. You'll work your way up to two or three sets over the coming weeks.


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