
The practice of placing objects under one's pillow, rooted in cultural and spiritual beliefs, involves using items like crystals, bay leaves, affirmations, and religious symbols for protection, emotional comfort, and guidance. These items are believed to influence dreams, promote wellbeing, and provide a sense of peace during sleep. Throughout history, the practice of keeping objects under one’s pillow has been deeply rooted in cultural, spiritual, and personal beliefs.

Whether for protection, guidance, or emotional comfort, people from all over the world have adopted the habit of placing meaningful items beneath their pillows. These objects are thought to influence dreams, bring good fortune, or create a sense of peace while sleeping. Here, we explore some of the most common items people place under their pillows and the meanings associated with each.

Crystals Crystals are revered for their energy and healing properties. Many believe that placing specific crystals under the pillow can help improve sleep quality, protect against negative energy, and even foster spiritual growth. Amethyst: Known for its calming energy, amethyst is a popular choice for those struggling with insomnia or anxiety.

Placing this stone under your pillow is said to reduce stress, promote peaceful sleep, and enhance the vividness of dreams. Rose Quartz: Associated with love and emotional healing, rose quartz under the pillow is believed to enhance self-love, strengthen relationships, and foster compa.

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