
Nature ensured that a newborn would not be left wanting for its most important requirement — nutrition — right after birth. That is why a new mother and the newborn bond so well over the breastfeeding activity that nature has designed to help the baby thrive and the mother bond with the tiny one. The importance of mother's milk to the health of newborns can never be overstated.

It provides ideal nutrition as it has the perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fat that a newborn baby needs to grow. It also contains antibodies that help build natural immunity to viruses and bacteria. Continues below advertisement window.

addEventListener("load", function() { let ad_unit_fire_time = 1000; if(ad_delay_time_abp > 0){ ad_unit_fire_time = parseInt(ad_delay_time_abp) + 500; } setTimeout(function () { googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.

display("div-gpt-ad-9167143-2"); }); },ad_unit_fire_time) }); Medical authorities say that a lactating mother requires an additional intake of 550 calories as her body is required to produce 2-3 litres of milk per day. She has to have a nutritious diet, full of galactagogues that help enhance milk production. What Are Galactagogues? Many new mothers worry if they are producing enough breast milk to feed the newborn.

When the treating doctor is asked for a remedy, their response might include foods, herbs, and even prescription medications. All of these qualify as galactagogues (also spelt galactogogues). Continues below advertisement window.


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