Teens are uniquely terrifying creatures. They are simultaneously confused and cool: As they struggle to figure out who they are as individuals, they have no problem identifying the finer points of popular culture. Simply put, they know what’s cool long before we do.
If you have to shop for one this holiday season, here’s a guide for what is on trend in their world, which takes place, at least partially, on TikTok. Gifts for a teenager's bedroom A teen’s room is a sanctuary. They don’t have their own home, but they do have their own space, and that space is very important to them.
Here are the things they want for that sacred spot: Desk vacuums remain very popular this year. This mini vacuum from Odistar ($12.98) will pick up whatever crumbs a teen is producing at the workspace where they spend so much of their time.
This year, teens are interested in a specific brand of speaker: Turtlebox . It is $399.99, so quite spendy, but it's also extremely popular and could be a hit if you're willing.
If your teen is less interested in brands than quality, here's the Lifehacker roundup of the best bluetooth speakers on the market right now at a variety of price points. LED strip lights have been big for a while now, but they’re holding on in terms of trendiness even after a few years. If you get some for a teen, make sure to get ones that sync up to a smartphone for easy color-changing, like this 100-foot set from Ksipze ($11.
99). Search TikTok for “birthdate candle” and t.