
Predictions for 2025’s travel trends by tourism operators and booking sites have consistently highlighted the continuing popularity of rail transport. Travelers have fallen back in love with trains and the proliferation of new services means a rail odyssey across Europe is easier to plan than ever. However, passengers continue to underline the need for improvements to services and lower fares to keep the sector on track in 2025.

If you’re planning a train trip around the continent, this new ranking by Transport & Environment (T&E) has revealed the most reliable, affordable and best-equipped European rail operators. “A performing rail system is one of the cornerstones of the zero-emission mobility system,” the pro-sustainable body of non-governmental organizations writes in their report. “Rail climate potential can be maximized if train operators improve their services and the EU and Member States support them with incentives and regulations.

” How Do Passengers Rate Europe’s Rail Operators? The T&E report found that multiple opinion polls show ticket prices are the primary factor in consumer decisions. Consultants McKinsey found that 49% of the respondents in Europe cited price as the primary factor in choosing a transport mode. In addition, Europe on Rail found that 73% of respondents think that rail travel on the same route should generally be cheaper than air travel.

Reliability is also a priority while many consumers can be deterred from choosing rail due to .

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