
Oh, Virgos. Like Atlas, they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders – often on their own accord and without ever having been asked to do so. The earth sign is represented by the image of a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat, reflecting their ever-industrious nature.

One of the only signs not represented by an animal, it’s telling that they are reflected instead by a symbol of the divine feminine, which is seen as evocative of fertility and harvest. The sign of the maiden nevertheless carries a myriad of connotations both positive and negative. She’s caring and hardworking but seeks control; she’s loyal and analytical but a perfectionist; she’s a natural homemaker but will wear herself thin keeping things tidy.

Virgo is an earth sign which is ruled by Mercury, the planet representing communication, and rules the sixth house of the zodiac which is also known as the house of service, health, wellness and routine. This translates into Virgo’s detail-oriented and highly organised manner. They thrive on order, regularity and colour-coded schedules and have an immense appreciation for beautiful things like art, literature and music.

Their communicative ability, unlike Gemini, which is also ruled by Mercury, is more introverted. Virgos are all about processing information before deciding what to do next. Call it maternal instinct, but they take on the weight of their own burdens, and everyone else’s, in an attempt to organise, adapt and overcome.

Obstacles which affect loved ones become a personal affront, which can be delightful for some compatible signs looking to offload like Cancer, and frustrating for other detail-oriented signs like Gemini. Virgos sometimes struggle to stand down and like things done their way, or no way at all. Despite the bad rap that Virgos are currently getting due to a celebrity known for playing a certain blonde socialite with a penchant for gossip (her name rhymes with.

.. Drake Mively) they’re some of the most reliable, emotionally intelligent and loyal individuals you could ever have the pleasure of knowing.

We’ve curated a selection of the perfect gifts for your perfectionist friend this Virgo season. With our help, you won’t get it wrong – and we all know there’s such thing as a wrong present when it comes to buying for Virgos. Shop now.

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