
Oh, word? The top ten slang terms of the year have been revealed — are you prepared to feel old? The Google search-based findings, gathered by Unscramblerer.com , reference notorious memes from 2024 — alongside lots of other terminology that will mostly sound like gibberish to non-Gen Alpha and Gen Z readers. “The English language is ever changing.

Every year new slang words are created. Many slang words are born through trending topics and viral videos on social media,” a representative for the online word game said. Simply put, if you’ve finally figured out the meaning of the term “rizz,” abandon hope — it’s not even in the newly released top ten.

Here are the terms that helped to change the language this year. 10. Preen A slang term for a child that acts or wears clothes like a teenager.

It was searched 20,000 times. 9. Oeuvre This French-based word, searched 25,000 times, refers to the repertoire of a musician, artist, or writer.

8. Katz Sadly not a reference to the iconic Lower East Side deli, the word, searched 34,000 times, now means anything fun or entertaining. 7.

Sen A slang term for self — searched 50,000 times. 6. Schmaltz Here’s a word older types will know — and it’s making a comeback among the young.

For those who don’t know, it’s a Yiddish term referring to anything highly melodramatic or sentimental. It was searched 65,000 times. 5.

Sobriquet Gen Z thinks they’re so fancy. This other French term, which was searched 105,000 time.

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