
Hot dogs are actually the perfect food to serve when you're hosting an event — they're easy to make and the guests can customize them with toppings. If you agree, then you need to know about this slow cooker hack that keeps hot dogs warm all day long so that you can prep a huge batch of them ahead of time. Cook as many hot dogs as you need, then place each hot dog in a bun.

Wrap the hot dog and bun in foil, then place all of the foil-wrapped hot dogs into a warmed-up slow cooker with the lid on . And voila — you have ready-to-go hot dogs that will stay as hot as you want them all day. You can even make multiple types of dogs — such as chicken or plant-based — and label them with a Sharpie.

The only downside is if you need to prepare more hot dogs than will fit in the slower cooker, as only so many will fit. In this case, make as many as you can fit in the slow cooker ahead of time, then have the remainder nearly ready when the guests arrive or around the time you're planning on eating. You can even bake the rest of the hot dogs in the oven to avoid having to do a hands-on task in the kitchen.

Or, if you happen to have more than one slow cooker in the house, now would be the time to break those both out to serve as the hot dog warmers for the party. Set up a hot dog topping bar near the slow cooker If you're going to serve hot dogs at a party, then you need to have a hot dog topping bar as well so that your guests can customize their hot dogs exactly to their liking . .

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